How To Clean Your Washing Machine Naturally

washing machine

It may surprise you that a washing machine needs to be cleaned and it may surprise you even more that this should be carried out every single month. In this post I am going to show you how this can be done quickly, easily and with completely natural ingredients.

Why Clean Your Washing Machine?

Your washing machine may develop a build up of soap, minerals and chemicals from your chosen detergent and conditioner which will become breeding grounds for bacteria. If this is left, you may begin to notice a scummy residue, odours, mould and mildew. All of this will begin to effect how well your machine washes your clothes and can go on to clog the drains and inner mechanisms. By taking a bit of time to clean your washing machine each month you will be helping to prolong its life.

What Ingredients Do I Need?

  • Castile soap
  • White vinegar
  • Bicarbonate of soda

The soap will clean, the white vinegar will disinfect and the bicarbonate helps to neutralise odours.

The Cleaning Method

  • Remove the tray and wash in warm soapy water. Dry and place back
  • Using the castile soap, wash the inside of the door and the rims
  • Add 1 cup of white vinegar into the drawer
  • Add a sprinkle of bicarbonate of soda into the drum
  • Run your washing machine on a hot wash
  • That’s it, you are all done

And if you’d like a prompt to remind you each month, feel free to save, print or pin my handy graphic:

natural washing machine cleaner

For more cleaning graphics check out my eco cleaning page here

my signature

Pin for later:

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