Having a clean home is something we all like to have. Having a dirty, grimy and messy home not only puts a strain on our mental health but can have serious implications on our physical health too. However, are those cleaning products you are picking up in the supermarket aisles doing us any good? Filled with an array of ingredients, chemicals and toxins some may be actually be causing more harm. Did you know that there are other ways in which to achieve a perfectly clean home? A way that is safer and fresher plus easy to do… Here are 6 reasons to clean your home the eco-friendly way.
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How To Clean Your Washing Machine Naturally
It may surprise you that a washing machine needs to be cleaned and it may surprise you even more that this should be carried out every single month. In this post I am going to show you how this can be done quickly, easily and with completely natural ingredients.
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How To Make Natural Toilet Bombs
Cleaning my home more naturally is really important to me, firstly because I want to rid my home of chemicals and secondly because I want to reduce my plastic waste down as much as I can. This has led me to go down the route of making my own cleaners and so far, so good! My latest homemade challenge was to create some toilet bombs which would naturally clean my toilet with very little effort from me… And it turned out to be very, very simple and very effective! Here is how to make natural toilet bombs.
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How To Make A Natural Homemade Window Cleaner
If you have been following me for a while, you will know that my eco journey has gone down a lot of paths. From switching out disposables to finding the best reusables, reducing my plastic, looking at my carbon footprint and just recently, making my own household cleaners. I have already covered how to make a natural homemade surface cleaner so my next how-to is my natural homemade window cleaner.
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How To Make A Natural Homemade Surface Cleaner
When I began my eco journey I knew I wanted to make a difference wherever and however I could. It started quite small but has since blossomed into a big project which provides me with lots of fun challenges. Plastic waste and chemicals are 2 areas that I have focussed on quite a lot and when I was looking under my kitchen sink I was astonished by how I had been reeled in without a second thought. We are all ‘sold’ these products as making our lives easier, being the best at cleaning, the best price, the must-have to keep your home clean but in actual fact, it’s not true at all.
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Cleaning Just With Water Is Possible With E-Cloth
*Gifted Products
I recently discovered a whole new world of cleaning and I. Am. Hooked! Cleaning with just water, that is it. Nope, I’m not making it up you CAN clean with just water, kill 99% of bacteria, have an allergy-safe home, reduce your plastic waste as well as stop using toxic chemicals that can damage our environment all by switching to this amazing cloth (and it’s friends!) I reviewed a few of their products a few weeks ago and to show me that you can literally do your entire home, e-cloth sent me some more items to try out. And here is a reminder of how it works:
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How To Drastically Reduce Your Wash Loads Each Week
How much washing people do has been a bit of a topical point on social media just recently hasn’t it? And it all started with the stories of people using their towels just once and then washing them. I was left speechless. Was this really a thing? Do people truly believe that wiping down a clean body with a clean towel then makes it dirty? I mean, surely it is just such proof that society has gone germ mad? We wash clothes far too often, Dettol sell a product that claims to remove 99% bacteria from your clothes in the machine, you can buy chemically based products to rid your machine of these germs and it is encouraging the public to really believe that everything is covered in germs that must be banished!! But what are the effects of these actions?
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