I started to make my own cleaning products last year because I became very aware of how much plastic waste is created from buying the standard household cleaners we find in the supermarket aisles, I was more conscious of the fact that these contain chemicals which can be harmful to both my children/pets as well as the environment plus you can end up spending an awful lot on something that may not last very long. For me, eco cleaning is everything that these products aren’t: safe, non-toxic, cost-effective and work efficiently. Another big positive here is that you can use whatever essential oils you like to help to tackle those cleaning jobs and to also add a wonderful aroma. No artificial perfumes here, all natural, pure (if you look for the right oils) and fresh scents. So, which are my top 5 essential oils for cleaning? Let’s find out…
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How To Clean Your Washing Machine Naturally
It may surprise you that a washing machine needs to be cleaned and it may surprise you even more that this should be carried out every single month. In this post I am going to show you how this can be done quickly, easily and with completely natural ingredients.
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How To Make Natural Toilet Bombs
Cleaning my home more naturally is really important to me, firstly because I want to rid my home of chemicals and secondly because I want to reduce my plastic waste down as much as I can. This has led me to go down the route of making my own cleaners and so far, so good! My latest homemade challenge was to create some toilet bombs which would naturally clean my toilet with very little effort from me… And it turned out to be very, very simple and very effective! Here is how to make natural toilet bombs.
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How To Make A Natural Homemade Window Cleaner
If you have been following me for a while, you will know that my eco journey has gone down a lot of paths. From switching out disposables to finding the best reusables, reducing my plastic, looking at my carbon footprint and just recently, making my own household cleaners. I have already covered how to make a natural homemade surface cleaner so my next how-to is my natural homemade window cleaner.
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How To Make A Natural Homemade Surface Cleaner
When I began my eco journey I knew I wanted to make a difference wherever and however I could. It started quite small but has since blossomed into a big project which provides me with lots of fun challenges. Plastic waste and chemicals are 2 areas that I have focussed on quite a lot and when I was looking under my kitchen sink I was astonished by how I had been reeled in without a second thought. We are all ‘sold’ these products as making our lives easier, being the best at cleaning, the best price, the must-have to keep your home clean but in actual fact, it’s not true at all.
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Review | Eco Cleaning with E-Cloth
*Gifted Products
I really do like a clean house but I really detest having to use chemicals. I have become far more aware of the amount most people use every single day around their homes and this not only affects the environment but can also affect your health, your children’s and any pets you may own too. I’ve recently been making my own cleaning products in order to steer clear of all of these toxins but then e-cloth got in touch with me and told me they had cloths that enabled you to clean using only water!! Yes, just water. Well, I knew I had to find out if this could work for me and I just had to see the results for myself. I was kindly sent the general purpose cloth, glass and polishing cloth, water spray bottle, shower cleaning cloths, washing up pad and the pad and tablet cleaning kit from e-cloth to review.
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Review | Vegan Dish Washing Block
In my constant quest to find products that are both eco-friendly, animal-friendly and plastic-free I am always excited when I see other people using new items on Instagram. When I saw a few posts on a vegan dish washing block I knew I had to give it a go because the washing up liquid was one of the last plastic-filled items on my kitchen worktop. I purchased the block back in September ’19 but wanted to be able to give you a good review of it over time rather than a rushed one over a couple of weeks or so.
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