essential oils on a white background next to a spray bottle and with petals and leaves scattered

My Top 5 Essential Oils For Cleaning

I started to make my own cleaning products last year because I became very aware of how much plastic waste is created from buying the standard household cleaners we find in the supermarket aisles, I was more conscious of the fact that these contain chemicals which can be harmful to both my children/pets as well as the environment plus you can end up spending an awful lot on something that may not last very long. For me, eco cleaning is everything that these products aren’t: safe, non-toxic, cost-effective and work efficiently. Another big positive here is that you can use whatever essential oils you like to help to tackle those cleaning jobs and to also add a wonderful aroma. No artificial perfumes here, all natural, pure (if you look for the right oils) and fresh scents. So, which are my top 5 essential oils for cleaning? Let’s find out…

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