Do You Want A Cosy Home?

cosy home
*Collaborative Post

Do you want a cosy home? If the answer to this isn’t yes, then there’s got to be something wrong. When you have those days where everything just seems to be going wrong, work was a nightmare, the traffic was horrible, what do you look forward to the most? Going home, putting your feet up, and relaxing in your own home. But what could be better than relaxing in a home that has added comfort? There are so many additions that you could make that would make it so much more inviting for you and your guests. So, if you want to up your comfort game, here are just a few things you can do that we know will change your life.

Living Room Additions

The living room is one of the easiest rooms to make cosy. It’s the place where the whole family can cuddle up in front of the TV with a blanket, some ice cream, a blanket, and really enjoy some quality family time together. But the living room is often neglected, and it can be a real shame when there’s so much potential for it. First, you need to think about your fire situation. If you don’t have one, you’re severely missing out. What we think is a good idea for the optimum levels of comfort is a wood burner fire. It’s a statement to cosiness and relaxation and they aren’t that hard to get your hands on. All you need to do is purchase one and have it installed in your home by a professional company. If you spend a thousand or two on a high-quality one, you’ll have endless amounts of use from it. There’s something really rugged and rustic about throwing a couple of logs on the fire to keep it burning, whilst still being in the comfort of your own living room! Add a really fluffy bean bag for comfort and make sure you’ve got a couple of fur throws for the sofa and you’re onto a winner.

Bedroom Additions

The bedroom should be one of the warmest and inviting rooms in the home. But is it? Not always! Instead, it becomes a dumping ground for clothes that were too much effort to hang up the night before, the room you dash in and out of and shut the door on to forget about the mess. So, what you need to do is switch your room up to maximise space and increase comfort. First, you need to focus on the bed and aim to get that as comfy as possible. Test out different mattresses in your local home store to figure out which one is the best for your sleeping position. Then you need to pick the right duvet for optimum levels of cosiness. Too warm and you’ll burn up all night, too cold and you’ll struggle to get to sleep. Make sure you’ve also got some cute additions such as a fur rug and candles all around the room. Whilst they might not actually make you any cosier, they at least make the room that little more appealing and warm. Make sure your bed is angled in the right position as well, for example, facing the TV head-on for added comfort.

Kitchen Additions

How do you make a kitchen cosy you ask? Easy, take that element of the freezing cold floor away and add a table that is inviting for the whole family. If there’s one thing we can all agree that we hate about kitchen floors it’s that they’re damn cold to walk on in the morning. Electric underfloor heating could solve all of your problems and it is a growing trend that people are starting to follow. In the winter, cold kitchen floors are an absolute nightmare so this heating should take a lot of the trouble away. As for the table, the best design you can get is a long one with plenty of space and cushioned chair for optimum comfort!

Garden Additions

With summer fast approaching us, your garden can’t be forgotten about. A cosy garden is really easy to achieve as well, you just need to make it relaxing. Kit it out with some of the best outdoor furniture you can find as well as a long table similar to the one you might put in the kitchen for all of those family gatherings. If you want to make things even cosier, grab yourself a big garden umbrella, some comfy cushions and a log burner for the garden for those star gazing nights. Nothing beats that feeling!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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