Family-Friendly Bike Adventures

a person with a bike looking across hills
*Collaborative Post

For those that prefer their downtime to come with a slice of adventure, cycling holidays have a lot to offer. You’ll spend your days exerting yourself (and free to indulge in the evenings). You’ll explore the countryside, with spectacular scenery unfolding on either side. You’ll benefit from the inherent thrill of life on two wheels. But on top of all that, you’ll be able to bond with your fellow riders. If those riders are your immediate family, then the experience might be remembered for years to come.

Why Family Cycling Bonds Us Like No Other

Best yet is the fact that you’re all going to be performing the same activity throughout the day: pedalling. Since you’ll be sharing this movement, you’ll get many of the psychological benefits that come with moving in sync. You might have heard of dancers, trapeze artists, or synchronised swimmers reporting a psychological closeness with their partners; your group can benefit from the same thing. Of course, this is most pronounced when you’re on a tandem bicycle, but we still see the same thing in a procession of mountain bikes.

The Benefits of Cycling

The physical benefits of cycling are considerable: you’ll naturally build your cardiovascular fitness, especially if you’re cycling over varied terrain. What’s good for your body, moreover, is good for your brain: like many forms of exercise, cycling will naturally reduce your overall stress levels.

It will provide your children with a reason to cut down on screen time, allowing them to focus on the real world around them. If you’re cycling through a novel and beautiful environment, whether it’s a dense forest or a rugged hillside, you’ll also give them something interesting to look at.

Places to enjoy your cycling adventures

A few parts of the world are immensely popular with cyclists. There’s something in each for both beginners and veterans.

Lake District, UK

This National Park, in the Northeast, is packed with mountainous trails, which wind through the valleys, alongside the famous lakes. A cycling tour of the region will allow you to see more of it in a given day.


Holidaymakers in France will tend to favour the mountainous south, where the Pyrenees and Alps play a critical role in the Tour de France. Ski resorts like Morzine are packed with gruelling climbs and exhilarating descents.


Morocco’s incredible landscape is perfect for cycling – but it’s yet to attain the popularity of some of its European counterparts. As such, you’ll benefit from clear trails ahead of you. Just don’t visit during summer: the heat is just a little too intense.


Let’s round off with a visit to the Dutch capital. This city is inseparable from its cycling culture: everyone gets around on two wheels, without a helmet. Rent a bike and explore!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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