Hairstyles That Can Damage Your Hair

*Collaborative Post

Experiencing hair loss or thinning can be a worrying time for anyone, whether you’re a man or woman. This has long been a problem and can and has led to both self-esteem issues and a lack of confidence. Thankfully, with advancing modern techniques, procedures, and products or opting to replace hair systems for men you can restore your hair to its former glory, allowing you to get back to being your confident self. You could choose permanent solutions like the best hair transplant in Turkey or make some of the below lifestyle changes for the better.

Causes of hair loss

Throughout our lifetime, many of us will experience hair loss of some kind, whether thinning or going completely bald. It is common for men to lose their hair as they get older, but women can also suffer from hair loss too – this rarely results in full baldness but can result in all-over thinning. Usually, the hair loss that both men and women suffer is due to factors like hormones, genetics, or age, but other factors can cause damage to your luscious locks, like the hairstyles that you choose…

Hairstyles that can damage your hair

You might think that styling your hair is harmless, a way of controlling your strands or completing your look, but did you know certain hairstyles can damage and break your hair? Tight hairstyles and accessories might look good, but they pull your hair over time to the point of breakage. Here are a few of the hairstyles that can damage your hair that you should be aware of.


One of the most common hairstyles for an effortless look, and to keep your flowing strands out of your face, but one of the most damaging to your hair when worn regularly. If you pull your hair back in a tight ponytail almost every day, this can damage the shafts of the hair and means they begin to fray. You want to avoid this happening if possible. Get rid of your elastic hair ties and replace them with fabric hair ties to reduce the damage. Also, avoid pulling your hair too tight as this can lead to thinning in various areas on the scalp.


Creating long and flowing locks with hair extensions can look great when done professionally, but some forms of extensions that clip in at the root can be damaging to your hair. The clips pull your hair at the root, causing it to break and feel weak when you take your extensions out. Although long hair may look good in the short term, healthy hair is always better – if you have clip-in extensions and you’re not quite ready to give them up, you can try clipping them in different places and make sure that you take them out before bed!

Excessive curling and straightening

It’s not surprising that using excess heat on your hair can be damaging, whether that’s with straighteners or a curling wand – you’re heating your hair to a high temperature, which causes moisture to be stripped from your strands. The drier the hair, the more breakage that will occur and your hair will be left feeling dry and coarse. Try and reduce the number of times you use these hot tools, or if you can’t quite bring yourself to not use them, try a heat-protecting spray or use a deep conditioner for extra moisture.


There are so many types of braids that you could use to tame your hair, or to add a bit of extra style to your outfit – there’s no denying that they can look great in all types of hair. However, plaiting or braiding your hair regularly can lead to tension at the roots if it is pulled too tightly, which leads to breakage and weakened hair follicles. You don’t need to stop plaiting your hair completely, just be sure that you’re gentle!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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