Hippynut Reusable Nappy Review

*Gifted Product
We made the switch to cloth nappies over 2 years ago now and I will still say that it was the best eco-friendly decision we have made to date. I am so happy that we have been using cloth full time since William was 6 months old and have completely moved away from disposables– I just wish I’d known about them with my first! Over the last couple of years, we have come to use a range of different nappy types and brands so when a brand new company comes to the table it is always an exciting time. It really does show that the reusable nappy industry is growing and that more and more parents are eager to become more eco-friendly. Hippynut is one such new company and when they asked me to review their brand new all in one nappy I was over the moon (what cloth nappy mum doesn’t like trying new nappies, eh?!)
Who Are Hippynut?
Hippynut is a small business made up of Mum Kat and Dad Eranga from Oxfordshire. Their aim is to spread their eco love with the belief that even small positive actions are capable of changing the world for the better. They have recently come up with a new all in one nappy which is made from predominantly natural materials, has a wider range of poppers to gain that perfect fit and of course has 100% original prints.
“A small family-owned and -operated business, Hippynut specialises in vegan and zero-waste eco living solutions. We strive to provide and design the best products, and are passionate about helping people to make cruelty free and environmentally friendly choices and to produce less waste”
Hippynut Website
The company have also partnered up with Ecologi to help to offset their carbon footprint. For each £15 spent in their store, they will plant a tree in the attempt to eventually build a forest.
The Wholenut AIO
The wholenut nappy is made up of:
Bamboo insert with no microfibre
Soft and stretchy PUL fabric.
Snap-in boosters to adjust the absorbency (to be purchased separately)
High hip snaps to prevent wing drop.
Double gusset for leak prevention.
Front and back elastics for extra comfort.
Double row of snaps for a more secure fit.
Five rise settings and adjustable insert length, providing a true birth to potty fit.
*You can view more about this nappy on their website here.
All of this was really positive to read as even though I do use microfibre, it really isn’t the best for the environment, I love the fact that it has a double gusset (always a win) plus the range of poppers is nothing like I have seen before. On the inside, this all in one has a main insert sewn in at either end and is made up of a staggering 8 layers. There is then a space underneath it to snap in the boosters which you can choose to purchase.

Hippynut have a couple of snap in boosters which you can add onto your shop. A single bamboo booster and then a hemp booster both of which come in two sizes allowing the larger ones to be doubled over, giving you a total of four or six whole absorbent layers! My immediate reaction to this was that this would make a perfect night time nappy. So, how did I get on?
Hippynut Review
First Impressions
When the nappy first arrived I could see that it was well made, it had been well thought about and designed and had elements I personally haven’t seen before– the extra poppers for fit and the sewn in layer. The material is soft and also very stretchy and the light blue style we received is very pretty.
When fitting a new brand of nappy it weirdly feels as though you haven’t ever fitted a cloth nappy before! And with extra poppers at my disposal I had to take some time to see if William (at 2 1/2) was ok with it all open or if he would need a rise brought up. The main thing I noticed when fitting the Hippynut was that the nappy felt tight, however, once he stood up it was absolutely fine and could even be adjusted again. So, definitely re-check your fit once you baby or child has moved from the changing mat.

Once I could see that we had the perfect fit, I could also see how comfortable the nappy was and how easily he could move in it whilst getting up to his typical William activities…

It definitely moves with your child and we certainly put it through its paces here. William was at ease in it and didn’t mind at all that he had something new on. The stretchy waistband most definitely came in handy here!
As always, I put this nappy through every test I could so I could give you honest feedback on it. I didn’t want to just use it once and say yeah it’s good without trying every booster option as well as testing daytime as well as nighttime.
The first wear was with the Hippynut nappy fully boosted to try overnight. It sat comfortably on William and he slept really well in it. He had the nappy on for around 13 hours and didn’t leak at all.
The second wear I decided to try the Hippynut AIO just as it is, no additional inserts. Unfortunately, the nappy was saturated in under 2 hours and I could see it was heavy as the nappy started to pull down in the middle. I was hoping I would get longer out of it but it obviously needs that boost.

The third wear I used just one bamboo insert and again, I only got 2 1/2 hours out of it because he was saturated. The nappy seems to change shape as it fills up and all of the urine seems to pull to the middle.
On the fourth go, I used all inserts but for us, for a daytime nappy I would say this was a bit too bulky. It again was only on for 2 1/2 hours as it pulled down and was annoying him. He was also telling me he was wet.

I would say this nappy is ideal for us for nighttime but it doesn’t suit us as an everyday nappy… And you will see this is also true due to the next factors.
The Poo Test
On the very first wear, William had a huge teething poo straight from waking in the morning. First things first, I do not use liners. I’ve never felt that I’ve needed to and poo hasn’t ever been an issue. Now, due to the fact that the top layer is sewn in I had a bit of a problem when it came to the clean up. The poo was literally between every layer, that is four layers which created a mess; I didn’t know where to start. I used an awful lot of toilet roll to remove what I could from the top as it didn’t seem to want to budge (not like a fleece-lined nappy). I then had to unpopper the inserts, which wasn’t pleasant, just so I could clean out all of the areas that the poo went into. This took up so much time, it resulted in more mess for me to clean up and was very off-putting. Now, for clarity, before I make my next point, this happened on a Friday morning and I did my wash on the Monday morning. Which for us, isn’t a long time, I’ve been known to leave nappies far longer especially on holidays. The result after the wash was this:

I did my usual wash as I always do (which is actually just as Hippynut state on their card that they send with their nappy, except I use 60° due to having an eco washing machine) and every other nappy came out perfectly clean, even the ones that also had an explosive teething poo.

I put it in for a second wash to see if it was just a blip but it came out exactly the same. Obviously, at this point I contacted the company to highlight that I had stumbled across a possible issue that they may want to investigate. They asked the questions you would expect them to in regards to time it was in the nappy bin, how I wash and so on but the only resolution they could give was to try the sun. I have since washed the nappy six times, left it in the sun for 3 hours one day and six hours another day (both wet). I am still left with a stain:

Now, this may not bother some people and I know that staining does not mean that a nappy is dirty, but as I have never had this issue before, because I would struggle to sell or pass this on and because this will surely only get worse with every poo? (I can only speculate as he hasn’t pooed in it again) I can’t say that I am very happy with it. If you have this nappy I would highly recommend that you use a liner and if any poo does touch the surface that you do your rinse immediately (I’ve noticed that since I alerted them of this problem that it has been recently added onto the Hippynut website to rinse within the first 1-2 days but it does not state this on the care card you receive).
Moving onto drying and the second reason that I would only have this as a nighttime nappy is due to the fact that it takes three days for this nappy to fully dry inside a warm house. If I were to have this as my only daytime nappy I would struggle. Even out on a hot day, it took 7 hours on the line to dry. For comparison, my usual daytime nappy brand (a pocket nappy) dries in our home in under 24 hours (minus inserts) and our nighttime AIO takes around a day and half to 2 days. On the line, both were dry hours before the Hippynut was. I could cope with this drying time if the nappy was only required for a night a week and I had a good-sized stash of them but with only having one nappy to review, he has so far only been able to wear it once a week (4 weeks) which gives you an idea of how long one nappy takes to wait for a wash and to be dried.
Overall Thoughts
I had really high hopes for this nappy due to its layering and design but it just doesn’t work for us. I have, however, seen other reviews from people on Instagram who love it so it just goes to show that every nappy isn’t for every family. For me, if the nappy didn’t stain this way, I probably would have felt more positive about it but it gets a bit of a neutral overall thoughts from us.
To view the full Hippynut range and to place a pre-order head over to their website here. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

*I was sent this nappy for a full and honest blog post review. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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Hippynuts Response to EmmaReeds Hippynut Reusable Nappy Review Posted on July 17, 2020 .
Thanks very much for your review. We have noticed a few more inaccurate statements in addition to the amendments you have made so far. This information is available on our website.
You have mentioned our nappies are made from organic materials. Our inserts/boosters are made from natural fibres and the outer shell is made from PUL (which is a synthetic material not organic)
You have mentioned “The company have also partnered up with Ecologi to help to offset their carbon footprint. For each £15 spent in their store, they will plant a tree in your name”. We do plant a tree for every £15 spent on our store, but it is not against an individuals name. They will be planted in the Hippynut forest.
You have mentioned that you got 13 hours overnight when using both extra boosters (16 layers). However during day time, the nappy only lasts less than 2 hrs with 6 layers (no boosters) and 2.5 hrs with 10 layers of boosting. This seems inconsistent and contradictory since the larger booster only has 6 extra layers and we don’t believe adding that alone would add an extra 10 hours.
The Poo Test: We are glad that the nappy managed to contain a teething poo. We have experienced poos of that magnitude. ;). We have noticed that you used toilet paper to remove poo from the nappy. We use a poop scraper/knife to remove those sticky poos, which is more environmentally friendly and effective than toilet paper.
Following on from your feedback we did the same test with two heavily soiled nappies, Our Hippynut AIO and another well-known brand with a similar style insert. After 5 hours, I scrapped the poo off the nappies and rinsed them with a flush of the toilet. I then left them in the dry pail bucket for 4 days, one day longer than you left your nappies.
When it came to washing, I washed the nappies following the same care instructions that we sent to you.
Both nappies were hung on the line late morning and were dry by early evening, ready to put our nappy back on the bum for night time. Our Hippynut All-in-One came out with no stains, but the other nappy had unfortunately stained. I was gutted, but it was worth doing the test. I cannot add photos here, but I would be happy to send these across if you would like to see them.
I have since managed to get the stain out of the other nappy by leaving it in the sun for a few days to naturally bleach.
You have mentioned ” (I’ve noticed that since I alerted them of this problem that it has been recently added onto the Hippynut website to rinse within the first 1-2 days but it does not state this on the care card you receive).”. We have slightly amended the washing instructions as per the feedback we received. It is not a disingenuous effort, this is why we are testing the nappies before we finalise the product. We would like our customers to have the best experience possible with our products.
Drying time: You have mentioned, “For comparison, my usual daytime nappy brand (a pocket nappy) dries in our home in under 24 hours (minus inserts) and our nighttime AIO takes around a day and a half to 2 days.”
24hrs drying time (to us) for pocket nappy with no inserts seems rather a long time. Pocket nappies are well known and popular, particularly for their drying speed. If it takes 24hrs for one of your pockets to dry indoors, we believe this is consistent with the longer drying times you are experiencing with your all in ones and ours.
Thanks for letting us know that you are going to keep our nappy as a night time nappy as it worked it’s magic for you. 🙂
As as a final note, we are a very new small family business and finding our feet in a very competitive market. We are doing everything possible to build a very ethical brand that gives back in many ways. We have worked hard to find solutions to the problems we have encountered whilst using cloth nappies from our heavy wetting children over the last three years. We sent our nappies out to get constructive feedback to improve our product before it goes into full production. Though we wanted an honest review we would have appreciated a more positive/constructive tone than what we have received here.
More details about our all in one could be found here: https://www.hippynut.com/wholenut
Best wishes
Kat and Eranga
Well, I wasn’t expecting this on my blog this morning after our messages last night (I think an email would have been a better method of communication but I shall reply here for you to see). I will respond to each pointer:
I think that every cloth bum parent fully understands that PUL isn’t organic. I didn’t want to undermine their current knowledge, I was referring to the other materials.
From your own website and in your own words “We partnered up with Ecologi to plant a forest in your name”. I am sorry if I mis-understood what you were saying here.
As for contradicting myself, I find that quite a strange comment due to the fact that I never claimed that the nappy leaked, I compared day to night which is very different. At night my son does not drink, he does not move or run around. At night I am looking for a nappy that will last him. He will always be very wet in the morning but if it is contained, it is a winner! In the day he is far more active and drinks a lot. We do not use pocket nappies at night as they don’t last but they do in the day. It’s like comparing apples and pears. There is no contradiction.
The comment about me not being environmentally friendly enough for you… I’m not sure I can even answer that one but I have previously written about how eco perfect does not exist and that is most definitely something I stand by. I have done my best over the last 2 years to make big changes in my life and I document all of this on my blog and social media sites.
I am really glad that my feedback (which is what it always was) was taken on board and you could carry out further tests with washing, dealing with the poo and stains. This is why I spoke to you BEFORE I did my review and also why I asked you twice if you still wanted me to go ahead with my honest review that we had agreed with. I would never, ever want to harm a company but at the same time, if I am asked to give an honest, full review, I will do so as I refuse to mislead my readers. I hope that by highlighting the teething problems, you can make improvements.
As for the drying statement. I mean, I have never timed each nappy on their drying. What I mean in my blog is that I hang them up, I leave them for however long and I go back to them. I use a bedroom on our third floor, the warmest room in my house. As a busy Mum, I cannot keep checking on them so it was more of a guesstimate to give my readers the idea that my other nappies dry much faster. However, I wouldn’t see this as negative if you are looking for a good nighttime nappy, it was just an observation that if you used them for day it may (or may not depending on the individual) pose a problem.
I can fully assure you that as with every single review I write, my experience is honest. I cannot shy away from that. It would have been so easy to not mention the hiccups but then my audience would never trust me. Also, as I mention above, other testers have raved about it. That has to be a good thing. We can’t all love every nappy going. I have friends who cannot get on with my favourite brand but that’s ok, isn’t it? Why should we all love the same thing? The beauty of the cloth world is that there is something there for everybody and for every situation. I can use the Hippynut for night and I will continue to do so. It just isn’t for us in the day. I have to be honest in that. I feel that overall I have given a balanced review which I have worked hard on for four weeks. I wish you all the best with your business, I love seeing new companies coming to market and I hope your nappy really takes off come September. Em xx
You can not dictate or expect the tone, words or nature of feedback to suit your taste when you ask someone to review a product! I appreciate you are new and trying to establish your brand in a competitive market, but please remember the ethics you preach should always include how you conduct yourself with your consumers and clients
Having read this review, I thought it was very fair and honest and was considering giving the hippynut nappy a go for an additional night nappy for my little boy.
… And then I read the company’s response. I appreciate it can be disheartening to read that your product has not wowed someone, but the company response comes across as impolite at best and that you clearly did not want real, honest feedback and are annoyed at the audacity of the reviewer to not lie. As a new company, you ought to be more mindful of how you are portraying yourselves to the consumer who will see your response and react accordingly.
For me personally, I’ll save my money!
You wanted an ‘honest review’ and you got one. Personally I think it was a very fair review, you guys obviously didn’t. If by honest you meant ‘positive’ then it’s a sponsored post you are after. Far play to the reviewer. The company’s reply really lets them down.
Thank you for your honest review Emma! It’s always good to read about people’s real experiences when a new brand comes to the market. This is really helpful, and much appreciated 🙂
I always strive to be honest and give our perspective. If I had a younger baby this may have been a completely different review altogether but it is good for the company to get a wide range of ages for the testing.
Finding a night time nappy for a toddler is like finding golddust 😍 I think the difference in day time may be due to lack of microfiber. Toddlers tend to hold their wee until it is a full one and then flood the nappy, needing a fast absorbing material (such as microfiber). Teamed with a super absorbent material to then continue to hold this large amount. Looks like a fab nappy for a younger baby though, I love that more and more small nappy businesses are starting up 😍
Definitely! Night time can be the trickiest part, and it always changes too doesn’t it? William was breastfed until 2 so he would just go through nappies at night and it was so hard. Now he sleeps through it is much easier but it is definitely an area I am asked about the most I would say.
Oh wow. I always trust Emma’s reviews – she’s ever so thorough. And had I not read the brand’s reply, I would’ve been tempted to give it a go, after all, not every nappy will suit every baby! Some of my friends don’t like my favourites and that’s ok!
Also, I went on the website and you list the insert as being 85% bamboo 15% polyester. Surely that isn’t all natural, as the brand claims? Polyester releases microplastics só isn’t terribly environmentally friendly.
Emma, I love your work, your reviews and above all, your honesty!!
Oh really? I took from the website itself that it does not contain microfibre, maybe I need another read then?
Polyester is what fleece liners comprise of (a man made material), to give a stay dry feel but it doesn’t generally add to absorbency.
Microfiber is made of polyester and nylon.
Polyester is apparently made through a chemical reaction of petroleum, water and air (the use of petroleum is present in a lot of products!). Polyester is a thermoplastic too.
Of course using a fleece liner which can be washed and reused, and then passed or sold on (thus in the grand scheme makes it a good option to disposable liners).
You’ve done a fabu, honest and well rounded view.
It is reviews like this that can help mould a brand into making changes for the better. No one has a right to tell you what you should or should not be doing to being environmental – the world cannot be changed by a handful doing things perfectly, but many doing it imperfectly.
We learn and move forwards!
I personally don’t read one review of a product then write that company off. I appreciate honest reviews and like most (I would hope) understand that with things like cloth nappies, not every brand/type works for every family.
However something I do look at is how new companies especially respond to feedback. I’ve had no dealings with this new company but honestly this response is just petty and defensive. Having then spoken to others in the cloth community, it seems a lot of the correspondence between this company and insta mums/bloggers is less than professional.
As a long standing eco and mum blogger, I respect Emma’s honesty and integrity when it comes to her posts and reviews. I have reviewed a product at the same time as Emma in the past and the new company we were dealing with were glad of good and bad feedback, and appreciative of the constructive criticism. I didn’t see this review as a slagging off of a brand, but rather an honest opinion of a nappy after a month of using it. Unfortunately in this insta era, far too many insta mums are willing to cheat their way to followers and will do anything for a free product. I will always respect the honest opinions of well respected bloggers personally. It’s clear from Emma’s post that others have got on very well with this nappy, but the response from the brand is enough to put me off.
Fab review. And honestly – when I got to the end of it, I wanted to buy the nappy. I’d take staining over a good night time nappy – and knowing about that ‘risk’ before hand really improved my attitude towards it. I’ve spoken to another person that have reviewed this nappy and they’ve experienced staining, too.
I was about ready to put my order in when I saw the disgraceful comments from the owners. And I for one will be advising anyone to steer clear. They’ve picked apart your words and practically called you a liar – but it looks like them that have been the dishonest ones..
Hippynut – you have a long way to go before you will make it in the world if your attitude towards negative feedback is this. Good luck – you’re going to need it.
Hi Rowan,
We do welcome negative feedback. When Emma approached us about the staining issue she experienced and asked us if we would like to continue with the review, we asked Emma to carry on with the review since we value honest feedback. Thank you.
If you welcomed any feedback, your initial response would have been very different. You’ve criticised Emma publicly for her honest feedback and her quoting from your website – but your website was wrong.. That isn’t her fault.
The cherry on the cake for me was when you called Emma ‘not very eco’ because she uses loo roll and not a poo knife. I use loo roll on my nappies – so I don’t think I’m eco enough for your brand. Sorry.
I wouldn’t buy from a hostile brand. Read your comment back. It is actually embarrassing.
The tree comments you’ve made – Emma said you plant a tree in a customers name. You’ve taken that comment too literally. You claim to plant a tree for every purchase – she didn’t say you specifically name the tree after them!
Take a step back. Reflect on this. As a blogger myself, I have never seen a brand react so badly to negativity. Especially someone with such a specific niche in your brand!
Hi Rowan,
I think you may have misunderstood what we have said about using a poo knife. If you read it again, you will see what we have said is using a poo knife is more effective (since Emma was struggling to remove poo with tissue) and environmentally friendly than using loo roll. Which is a factually correct statement and not an attack on anyone, since we all learn from each other and improve. We follow Emma and love how she inspires her followers to make small environmentally-friendly changes. She has inspired us to make small changes too. 🙂
Thank you
Well done for maintaining your integrity and publishing a fab, honest and thorough review which highlights this nappy as a great nighttime option and just because it didn’t work for you during the day does not mean it will not work for others.
Such a shame that the company responded in such an odd and frankly unprofessional way.
Keep up the good honest reviews Emma
This is a great and honest review. The whole point of feedback and reviews is so a company can improve, change or look into something that could have been innocently overlooked. Customer feedback is so important, it’s a competitive market and starting out is incredibly difficult.
I love seeing new products and like somebody above mentioned I would have considered giving this a go before seeing the companies response.
I use pocket nappies or pop ins during the day and by night we use bamboo wraps and petit lulu pull ups with boosters. There is no way our daytime nappy would last through the night and no way I could expect my 9 month old to roam around in his nightime nappy during the day, it’s far too bulky and boosted.
It’s great to have these honest reviews, thank you Emma!
I’d like to say I’m surprised at the response from Hippynut but sadly I’ve had some very odd correspondence from them too, so I can’t say I’m shocked. Customer service is a key consideration and if the ethos of hippynut is to be untruthful and accuse customers of lying because they’re honest about their personal experience then no matter how good the nappy may or may not be, I certainly won’t be buying one or suggesting anyone else does. Well done Emma for maintaining your integrity, its very rare for it to elicit such a bizarre response.
Thank you for sharing this review Emma, as ever I embrace your honesty and first hand experience.
I am a little saddened by this companies response however. Starting a new business is so hard I know this as a self employed individual. However- integrity and excellent consumer care will always help you to flourish. I am disappointed that this business seems to make some quite personal remarks to you which is shocking to read. It must be tough to hear that someone hasn’t had an experience that is completely positive however I’m sure there are many that do love the product that is just how reviews work. There are brands I love that other mums don’t and vice versa. The cloth community is a very warm place usually and to read these comments is shocking to me.
Well done Emma for speaking so professionally and with so much integrity.
Wow, I barely have any words!
I’ve been watching Hippynut from the start and applied to be a tester because I love to try new brands and help them get to market because there is so much choice right now, I’m glad I didn’t get picked!
I was really looking forward to Hippynut as my daughter is a heavy wetter and it felt like they’d really listened to their audience and solved a lot of problems. I wasn’t put off by the staining as we use liners, I wasn’t even put off by the drying time as we have enough nappies it doesn’t matter if it’s out of action for a few days (to be honest sometimes it takes me a few days to even put them away)
However, seeing some of these responses is making me re-think about trying them, I appreciate you’re new and have put your heart and soul into this so it must be upsetting to hear this feedback, but it’s how you handle it and attacking Emma in this way makes me not want to buy, what if I bought and had an issue, would I be blamed?
Not all nappies suit all babies and I think it’s important to share feedback in the way Emma has, this is how it was tested, this was my experience, I would/wouldn’t buy for xyz reasons, that way if xyz are important to me I know not to buy and it they aren’t then I can give it a go.
I am really dissapointed with the response from this company. The cloth community is a very small world and we all strive to support small business and one another.
I have spoken to quite a few cloth bum mums who have had negative encounters with Hippynut and I know a lot of people who will not support them.
As someone above has said I think they need to reflect on their behaviour and try to make this right somehow. They are going to lose a lot of custom and free promotion from insta bloggers.
Thanks very much for your comments and feedback. We built this brand by taking feedback from our customer base and we will also take what’s been mentioned here. We involved potential customers in the design of our prints and products, and the feedback we have received so far has been very positive especially around customer experience. If you had a bad experience with us please let us know and we will investigate further.
Our intention was not to discredit Emma in any way nor to say her experience with our nappy is false. We understand the cloth nappy community is small and tightly knit. We have been part of this community just like Emma, both as a consumer and as a brand, so we believe we deserve a chance to respond to some of the points made in the review, especially since some were factually incorrect. Emma has kindly corrected most of them now.
Again, thanks very much.
Very interesting review. I have been testing the hippynut nappy for the same period of time as Emma and I haven’t had any of these issues. I found the absorbancy incredible unlike any other all in ones I have used. It lasted a 4 hours during the day at least, since I change my 16 month old this frequently. The nappy was not fully saturated and had plenty of time left in it.
Just like Emma did we got good nights out of the nappy ( 14 hours). Which is insane amount of time for a night nappy for our heavy wetter. We managed to use it at least every other day as part of my washing routine. So I got a through test out of it.
I didn’t get any staining since I washed them every other day and even if did it wouldn’t put me off buying the nappy. I’ve placed my second order for another three nappies.
Looking at Hippynuts response I can understand why it comes across as though they are slating Emma, but having spoken to Kat and Erange over the last few weeks I am delighted to say they have been amazing and, their following and activity on Facebook speaks volumes.
I noticed that the main picture of Emmas insta story about this review has a book cover saying WHAT A WASTE and her son is pointing at the hippynut nappy. I noticed this after reading emmas review and the comments here.
This may be a coincidence but there may be more to the story than what we see here. I will certainly recommend them and will be supporting their small business.
I can absolutely assure you that I did nothing of the sort and am completely flabbergasted that you have stated this. I actually love our collection of books and recently wrote a blog post on them. Jess who wrote this book is an amazing vet, author and ex CBeebies presenter who follows me on Instagram. Her book actually covers cloth nappies and has a fab section on it. If all people want to do is speculate and nit pick please do it elsewhere. I have provided an honest review and like I say in it, I know others love this nappy which is great to see. We all have very different children, circumstances and preferences and I love this nappy for night time and will use it for this. I will continue with my other brands for day time. As a long time blogger who has worked with many, many companies I take pride in everything I do and I strive to be open, honest and fair.
Nice anonymous response. Definition of trolling, Emma. Ignore 😤
Does this also apply to all the others here who have not stated their actual name? Should we mark them as trolls too?
If someone gives their honest view, which isn’t aligned with everyone else‘s does that class their response as trolling?
I’m able to speak from my experience with the brand and their nappy, and I choose to support them whilst everyone else seems to be bashing them.
As I said, maybe the whole book and pointing at the nappy shot is just coincidence. There is always more to the story, is all I’m saying.
No one is hiding here.
Amy (aka Cloth Bum Mumma)
More to the story??? There is literally no story. I was asked to give a full blog review. I have written to the company in regards to staining issues. Messages have gone back and forth and I asked them if they still wanted me to continue with the review. They said yes please. I delivered what I was asked to do. I have no agenda, I like the nappy for night time, I will use it for that, I have said I am glad others like it, I haven’t been rude or slated it, I can only say how our experience went. This is my job and I take it very seriously. I wouldn’t jeopardise what I do over one cloth nappy. I have spent 4 years building my brand.
I always enjoy reading reviews like this that really show and discuss honestly the things that matter to cloth bum users. It certainly doesn’t give off negativity to me, rather just a good balance and discussion of the findings. Great job Emma.
This is a ridiculous comment. Clearly Emma’s son was allowed to play whilst in the nappy and he has selected the book to look at. Emma was then able to take a photograph whilst he was stationary. To imply Emma has deliberately staged this as an insult is incredibly childish.
I can absolutely assure you that you’re completely wrong with your assumptions about the book and the nappy ! I think that’s an extremely unfair comment and you should think about what you write.
This is an honest review which is something Emma always gives , I know she has been back and fourth discussing the issues with the company and they were happy for the review to go ahead with full knowledge about the staining issues.
Emma works extremely hard and is a brilliant blogger. Please keep your unnecessary comments to yourself!!!
Emma, you’re professional and you rock!!!
Great and honest review. Keep doing what you do Emma. We only use night nappies now and never have poo’s in them do staining and day use wouldn’t of been an issue. unfortunately it is hippynut response that has put me off buying this nappy not the review.
Thanks for the honest review Emma. I am shocked by some of the comments on here including the initial one from Hippynut themselves. I understand they are a new small business that is passionate about their product but there was no need to reply like they did, such a lack of professionalism. I’ve also heard other comments from people showing them in a negative light. I’m not sure they realise that we are a close knit community that chat to one another regularly.
Anyway it’s a real shame as it looks like they have some nice product ideas but I’m afraid I won’t be buying any now. I hope they learn from their mistakes and move forward to be more supportive of customer/tester feedback in the future.
I thought that was an honest and detailed review Emma. I think it’s actually harder to write an honest review these days. And some of the comments that have been left above have shown this. Not every nappy is perfect and not every nappy suits every baby. But a great review nonetheless 💚
Oh dear.
As a blogger myself it appears to me that the brand are a bit green regarding how blog reviews work. Perhaps they’d have been better off paying you to write an advertorial, which is what it sounds like they were hoping for!
Amazing and honest review. As a clothbum mum, I totally respect anyone who tells it as it is. We all love a pretty nappy, but performance and overall experiences (including Customer service) are what will help me decide if I buy. I think this review is written well and very balanced! Great job Emma! X
So did I miss something? I read a positive honest review. I didn’t take any as a negative. Heck we’ve all had stains. You stating this wouldn’t put me off buying. Also I don’t know Emma. I’ve read her blogs for some time and always found them detailed which is what I like.
But the response?? How unnecessary and badly constructed. I think a sincere apology is required here. I have followed Hippy Nut for a while now and some things just don’t add up. I would like to see this Hippynut forest that is mentioned a lot.
Great review Emma. Haven’t seen the nappy here in Norway yet, but don’t think I would buy it having read the comments here.
Being not fluent in English I’d be scared of reaching out to their costumer service, if I had an issue, seeing this reaction to negative feedback.
Having followed Emma not just on social media but also through her amazing and HONEST blog posts I have found myself wondering why anyone would think negatively about her as a person, a mother, and a blogger.
Everything she has written on this blog post has been insightful, honest and trustworthy.
She has not said a bad thing about the company and I highly doubt she would ‘stage’ a photo with a toddler… I have toddlers and I know exactly how hard it is to get a photo staged or otherwise. To make that accusation is a tiny bit insane.
As for the lack of complete professionalism shown by Hippynut, I think they need to either read the definition of honest and also learn to be a tad more open to criticism – Emma has pointed out that the nappy is in fact brilliant however, it just doesn’t suit her wee boy during the day. And like most toddlers her little boy does not drink, move or do very much else except sleep at night meaning this nappy is infact perfect for that arrangement.
To insinuate that Emma is not eco enough is like walking into a field of green grass and saying it isn’t green enough… Who is eco enough? How do you determine that? Because she uses loo roll its not eco enough, I apologise for possibly being a bit dim, but what else is loo roll intended for if not to wipe poop off of things?
I do believe that Hippynut has lost a few customers and followers and not due to Emma’s review but due to their own comments. They certainly won’t be receiving and order from myself which is a shame but heaven forbid I may be honest with my followers and readers (as I am an instagrammer and blogger myself) and provide a review which Hippynut do not find appealing.
I apologise for the bluntness however I feel I could not leave this page without a comment.
Thanks for the honest and detailed review which I found very helpful. Not every nappy is suitable for every child and I think it’s important to have expectations tempered. I personally had to try four different brands for my son to find something that worked for us due to his needs, and that’s okay.
Thanks for this review Emma – it’s great to read an honest review. As you say, this doesn’t work so well for you but might work better for others. It’s disappointing that HippyNut seemed to have taken over your comments to criticise you after you agreed with them what your review would include. As you say, dealing with these points in private correspondence would be much more professional.
I’m not sure whether I’ll be trying a HippyNut nappy but I think I will be buying the What a Waste book 😂
I always enjoy reading your reviews and love that you are honest about what works for you and your family. Don’t let the negativity on this one review get to you x.
It’s so refreshing to read such a fair, honest and well balanced review. As I personally love recommending nappies to friends this kind of feedback is so valued. I also know that what works for one baby might not work for another, so I always consider this. But the response to this review from the company and “trolls” for want of a better word, has finalised that I absolutely would not recommend this nappy. Emma you do an amazing job, your eco influencer work and everything else is fab! I hope this negative experience will only encourage you to keep going and being so honest in that lovely eloquent way that you do.
Oh wow!
Having preordered some of these nappies, I, like many others here was not regretting it after reading this review though I was feeling intrigued as to how we would fare with regards to some of the niggles Emma found.
However reading the response from Hippynuts I’m left feeling very sour about the impending arrival of them… and to be clear it has nothing to do with the nitty gritty of the nappy and everything to do with the unkind defensive tone taken by the owners that smacks somewhat of playground bullying!
I’m not really sure why they felt the need to reply anyway, reviews vary that’s the nature of the game!
I know it’s a bit silly but from feeling excited about some really gorgeous prints I’m now feeling genuinely tempted to send them back upon arrival.
And as for the implied secret messages going on… oh gosh! I get that for those of us who love cloth nappies that they’re a big deal, but that seems to be pushing it just a bit too far…
As a small business owner myself I always strive to listen to any problems or issues that the users of my products may find. It is oh so important to me to take on feedback and continue to develop my products until they are the best they can be. As a brand your job is to resolve any issues smoothly and discreetly- not calling people out publicly. It is simply unprofessional and insensitive.
I think your review wasn’t even particularly negative, the nappy seemed very good and had so many unique points. The main thing I took away from that review was that I would probably want to use a liner to prevent the staining.
I also found it brilliant to see how honest the review was. Thanks Emma xx
I’ve just come across this, and I’m so disappointed, not with the review as every baby is different, but with their response. I’ve also had a look at their social media and they have over 30 brand reps which I find odd, I have to say. I placed an order for a nappy before i saw this, so I’ll be interested to see how it works for my baby.
I really do hope it works for you. As you can see, it was fab as a night nappy for my 2 1/2 year old and I do wonder if day time would have been different if he was a lot younger. As you say, all babies are different and it is also good to have a variety of nappies that you can reach for.
I read alot of your reviews and tend to make qlot of purchases based on your reviews so well written and detailed
Unfortunately after reading the review and reading comments for this particular one I am little alarmed. I dont understand why hippynut is being begrudge so much for correcting faults in the initial review. Things like ‘planting a tree in someone’s name when actually it’s a tree in the hippynut forest could really cause this brand some trouble, the corrections where made in a professional manour and not aggressive at all.
I was surprised to read about the stains and drying time. Any nappy made with bamboo rather than MF takes longer to dry like other competitive brands ive used personally. Having the better material more obsorbant material and safer for baby is worth little longer drying time in my opinion. I havnt experienced any staining like the photos but every baby is different, certain aspects like being unwell and medicines naming a few can cause more staining i guess, just a little taken back by how bad it shows. Was baby unwell or on medicine?
Cant comment on fit as my child is a year younger so fit was spot on for us and no experience trying it on a older child personally
Reading the review regarding obsorbancy it stated it was great and held 13 hours at night but barely 3 hours daytime. Seems a little odd with the same inserts too. On other brands we tend to use 4 layers and holds 2-3 hours, for a 16 layer nappy to not hold more than 3 hours seems rather strange. Not like ammonia build up could have effected it being tested only 3 times.
Love that this is a husband and wife team rather than a big company. Everyday families making a big change to our carbon footprint
I’m going to be slated left right and center here for my comment but I dont care. From Being a consumer of hippynut and other brands I just can’t seem to understand how this review could be so negative over such a amazing nappy. I’ve had much worse experiences with other brands
Just wanted to give my personal experience and opinion also being a consumer
Hi thanks so much for your comment. The thing here is, I don’t see this as a negative review at all, in fact, we still use the nappy at night as it works really well for us there. He is 2 1/2 so in the day he is drinking loads so this is why we found this was much better at night over the day time (he doesn’t wake for a drink in the night and is no longer breastfed you see). Unfortunately, he did have a huge teething poo and that caused the stain and I have seen 2 other people’s photos of similar staining so I know it wasn’t just me but I have also been informed that the inside is being corrected in some way (the colour I believe) so this feedback has gone on to help changes to happen.
As you say, all babies are different and we all have different experiences and I do wonder if William was a lot younger whether this would have been a better day time nappy for us. I could only say what it was like for us. I am really glad that it is good for you as I also want to see this company do well. Bringing more reusable companies to the market truly shows that the demand is there and how more parents are stepping away from disposables which is fab!
Well, that escalated quickly. From a nice, honest, mildly positive review to a horrendous, defensive, unprofessional, childish reply from the company. Not the first, but the second caused an instant unfollow and an “oh my, I’ll definitely never buy from them”. Too bad, cause I love small, eco companies, vegan being the bonus.