How to Find Peace After Losing Someone You Love

*Collaborative Post
Losing someone you love is one of the most difficult things to go through, and the pain of it will never truly go away.
Many people lose multiple loved ones throughout their lives, and one of the things that they struggle most with is being able to move on and find peace after losing their loved ones.
Of course, every person is different, and the same can be said of their situations, so what helps one person find peace may not work for another. That being said, there are a few things that you can do if you need some help finding peace after losing a loved one, and this post is here to share some of them.
Say goodbye to them
Funerals, memorials, and other similar services are often very hard to go through because they make someone’s death feel like a reality. Because of that, you may want to avoid these events or put them off.
However, in order to process their death and start finding peace, you need to have the chance to say goodbye to them and to find closure.
When it comes to the service and the burial itself, you should follow any instructions your beloved left you, and if they didn’t leave anything, try to do what you feel is best or what you think they would have wanted. For example, if a traditional funeral or cremation doesn’t seem right, you can look into alternatives like water cremation. You might be wondering, ‘What is water cremation?’, so it can be helpful to research various burial and cremation options to learn more and choose the right one.
Don’t push your feelings down
You may want to simply ignore your feelings, especially if they feel too big for you to deal with, but pushing your emotions down is one of the worst things you can do.
In the short term, you may feel like it’s effective because you won’t be feeling sad all the time, but in the long term, this will negatively affect your life in many ways. Even if you push your feelings down now, they will eventually resurface and you will need to deal with them, so it’s best to allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel, and to deal with those feelings in whichever way works for you, provided that your coping mechanism is a healthy one.
Consider seeing a therapist
You need to understand that losing a loved one is bound to take its toll on your mental health, and while others may be able to deal with it on their own, some people may also need to seek professional help to help them cope.
If you feel like you can’t find peace or move on from your loved one’s death, there is no shame in seeking professional help. If you’re not sure how to talk to a therapist, this post may help.
Lean on your support system
No one should be alone when they are grieving. While spending some time on your own can help you process your emotions, isolating yourself too much will make it so much harder for you to move on and find peace.
Instead, you should have a support system that you can lean on and who can help you through this difficult time. If you are dealing with the death of a spouse or other close relative, that’s even more important.
Give yourself time
As mentioned, losing a loved one is hard, and you will want your grief to pass as soon as possible so that you can go back to feeling normal.
However, this isn’t always possible. Most people take months or even years to fully deal with the loss of a loved one, so you can’t expect your pain to disappear overnight. There is no definitive answer for how long grief lasts, as it depends on so many different factors, so don’t try to rush the process.
Do things that make you happy
When you first lose a loved one, it may feel like all the things that once brought you joy don’t make you happy anymore. Aside from that, many people also feel guilty as soon as they start to feel happy after losing a loved one. They often feel like they should feel sad all the time.
However, if you never allow yourself the opportunity to be happy, you will never be able to move on from your loved one’s death and find peace. Of course, it may take you a while before you feel up to doing any fun activities or hobbies, but once you do, you should embrace any happiness that you can find, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
Remember them
As mentioned earlier, many people find it easier to push their feelings down because they are too much to deal with. Similarly, many people may avoid even thinking about their loved ones because of how painful it is. While this is understandable, you shouldn’t try to forget someone just because their memory hurts. Over time, it will get easier for you to think of them, and eventually, you will be able to remember the good times and feel happy instead of sad.
This is all part of finding peace. So, when you feel up to it, talk about them, look at old photos, and remember that they were loved.
In conclusion
If you have ever lost a loved one, you will know that the pain often feels unbearable. It may seem like your life will never return to normal, and you may feel like joy and peace are two things that you will never experience again.
However, as difficult as it may be, you need to try ways to find peace and move on from their death. How you achieve this and how long it will take you will depend on various factors, but hopefully, this post gave you a good idea as to where you can start.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.