How to Give Your Home An Eco-Friendly Edge

eco friendly home items
*Collaborative Post

Considering 54% of energy is wasted by UK homes, any renter or homeowner must look for ways to reduce this number significantly and give their property an eco-friendly edge. Although the average person is not entirely the problem when it comes to protecting the environment, every little helps, which is why you should learn the best ways to make your home more environmentally conscious and establish great eco-friendly habits. 

Make The Most Of Natural Light 

Natural light is one of the best ways to reduce your energy consumption around the house, especially during spring and summer when the days get longer and brighter. Whether you’re working from home or relaxing with your family, installing garden structures can help you get more daylight so you don’t need to switch the main lights on. Not only does natural light make you feel better, but it can also help adjust your body clock so that it’s easier to get to sleep at night. 

Ditch Supermarket Products 

Those who suffer from allergies or other health problems could discover the reason for such issues in the everyday cleaning and homecare products littered around the house. It’s much more affordable and environmentally friendly to make cleaning products at home, and all you need is citrus and vinegar (at the very least) to create a solution that is just as effective. You don’t need to stop with cleaning products, though. Growing fruit and vegetables in your home or garden is also possible and avoids the risk of GMOS.

Track Your Energy Usage 

If you’re still struggling to prevent wasted energy, you can use smart metres to track your energy usage. Many companies across the country offer these solutions and you can take effective steps from there to adjust your habits. You may discover that some appliances consume more energy than expected, which means you will be able to replace or repair them to get the most out of your energy. 

Reuse More Often 

It’s tempting to throw away a pair of jeans when they get a hole in them, but all this does is contribute to more waste. You don’t need to be a sewing expert to learn how to repair clothes, and you can also think of ways to reuse other items around the house. Old curtains can become drop cloths, replace a closet door and much more, so feel free to get creative.

Teach Your Kids

You can dedicate your life to being eco-friendly, but this doesn’t mean anything if your kids don’t follow suit. While transforming your home into an eco-friendly haven, you can show them how storing rainwater can prevent waste and teach them the right way to compost food waste, among others. The more you share, the more they will embrace good habits so they can teach their kids the same thing, too. 


An eco-friendly home won’t solve the climate crisis by itself, but it can set a fantastic precedent for your family, neighbours and any politicians who might walk by your home. With these tips, you can prove it is possible to make any home eco-friendly, so no one else has an excuse to ignore the importance of sustainability. One exceptional way to achieve this is by integrating a cutting-edge residential solar energy system, which reduces your carbon footprint and harnesses the sun’s power to generate clean electricity for your home.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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