How to Help Your Kiddo Succeed in School

*Collaborative Post
All parents want to see their children succeed in school. The key to helping your kid excel academically is your support. When you engage in your child’s school, they perform better and feel good about learning. In fact, one study shows children in preschool and kindergarten received higher reading scores when parents participated.
Parents have numerous ways to support their children throughout the school year. Here are some of the best ways to get started.
1. Form a Relationship With the Teacher
At the start of the school year, you should find a way to meet your child’s teacher. That way, they know you’d like to be involved in your child’s learning. Attending the back-to-school parent-teacher conference is a great way to introduce yourself and learn the teacher’s expectations.
Parent-teacher meetings also provide a way to stay connected. They allow you to discuss any problems that may arise with your child. Then, you can discuss strategies that can help them do their best in class.
You must also keep in mind that you can meet with your child’s school counselor, teacher and principal at any time of the school year.
2. Teach Organizational and Time Management Skills
Some kids may struggle because they don’t understand their assignments or have difficulty concentrating — leading to procrastination. The most helpful way to keep procrastination at bay is to teach your child time management and organizational skills.
To ensure your child is organized and turning in assignments on time, keep track of projects and stick to a routine. You might also set up a bin for papers you need to check or sign at home. Plus, you can have a container for completed assignments to keep track of their progress.
You should also talk to your child about maintaining an orderly desk at school, so their homework doesn’t get lost. Consider teaching your kid how to use a planner and creating to-do lists. That way, they can prioritize what needs to be done.
3. Help Your Child With Homework Expectations
While it’s valid you’ll want to help your child receive good grades — you must resist the urge to provide the correct answers. You’ll also want to steer clear of completing the assignments yourself. Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so you must refrain from taking this opportunity away.
Homework exists to help children practice their study skills. In addition, they build a work ethic and develop a sense of responsibility. You can help your kid with homework by providing them with a well-lit, comfortable work environment.
Be sure to avoid distractions, like TV and set a timer for when they should finish. A good rule is to multiply 10 minutes by their grade level. For example, a third-grader should have 30 minutes of homework or study time each school night.
It’s helpful to provide guidance whenever it’s needed. If needed, you can search for some websites that can help your kids with maths online. Help your kid interpret the assignment instructions and review the work upon completion.
4. Get Involved
Volunteering at school activities is an excellent way to show your interest in your kid’s education. Many grade-schoolers get excited when they see their parents attend school events. However, you want to be sure how much of your presence your child is comfortable with at school.
Consider volunteering at school events, such as field trips, fundraisers, assisting the classroom and attending concerts or plays.
You can also check the school’s website to search for volunteer opportunities that fit within your schedule. By getting involved for a few hours, you can create a strong impression on your child.
5. Take Time to Talk About School
With younger children, it’s easy to talk to them about what’s happening at school. Most likely, you’ll know what books they’re reading and what math assignments they’re practicing. However, you might have a busy schedule and forget to ask simpler questions, affecting your child’s success.
Be sure to communicate with your child and ask about their day at school. Communication is most effective when it works both ways. So, it’s important to pay attention to how you talk and listen to your child. Ensure you make eye contact, avoid multitasking and ask open-ended questions.
How you communicate with your child can influence how well your child responds and listens.
6. Prepare Your Child in the Morning
Help your kid get ready for the school day. A nutritious breakfast will fuel your child and allow them to have more energy. When they eat breakfast in the morning, they get a head start and can perform better in school.
Additionally, they’re able to stave off hunger throughout the day and boost their attention span. You can help prepare your child by providing whole grains, fiber-rich and protein breakfasts. If your kid is running late in the morning, give them an apple, yogurt, nuts or peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Many schools provide students with sustainable breakfasts before the first bell.
You’ll also want to ensure they get a good amount of sleep to be alert and ready to learn. Behavioral problems can arise when they lack sleep. They can get irritable or become hyperactive — making it hard to pay attention in class.
Consider having a consistent bedtime routine and allow enough time for your child to unwind before the lights are out.
Ensuring Your Kid Succeeds in School
You have plenty of ways to prepare your child for a successful school year. Ensure you help them by making school enjoyable, showing your interest and sparking enthusiasm. Equipping them to succeed will require effort on your part. However, you will find it well worth it and rewarding in the end.
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