4 Ways To Get Your Children Ready To Start School
*Collaborative Post
Even though summer break hasn’t started yet, it’s never too early to start thinking about the next school year. When you’re ready, you have more time to really enjoy the summer vacation.
Of course, kids who are going to a new school or going to school for the first time have to adjust the most. The good news is that with a little planning and preparation, you can enjoy the summer and feel at ease when the new school year begins.
Let’s take a look at how to get your children ready to start school:
Get Your Kids To Know The School
It’s great if she went to the same school in the past. This year, all you have to do is talk about what’s different. But if this is her first year at this school, you should take her there a few times. Visit the school first, even if there is a formal orientation day right before school starts. If you can use the playground, it’s a great way for your child to get to know her new school. If not, enjoy it from behind the fence and get her enthusiastic about the slide or climbing structure.
Use Orientation Days When They Are Available
Before the school year starts, many schools let new students, especially those in the younger grades, go to an orientation. If the school doesn’t have a program like this, ask if you and your child can meet the new teacher for a few minutes before school. Teachers are busy getting their classrooms and supplies ready at that time, but any experienced teacher will gladly take a few minutes to welcome a new student and make him feel at ease, knowing that this helps her students get used to the new school year. Now is the time to ask about what the class will do next.
Teach Them How To Get Along With Other Kids
Children are always nervous about meeting a new teacher, however, if they know any of the other students, they will feel more at ease. If you’re new to the area, make an extra effort to meet other young people. Many schools are happy to introduce new families to each other so that the kids can get to know each other in the weeks before school starts. Even if your child has been in the same school for a while, you should find out who the other kids in her class are and set up a play date for her if she hasn’t seen them all summer. This will help her feel more connected.
Get Used To Saying Goodbye
For many children, the hardest thing will be to say goodbye. Plan small separations so you can get used to saying goodbye and make a routine for it, like giving a hug. You could give your child a small thing that reminds her of you and that she can put in her pocket and give back when you come back. Most kids like to carry around a picture of their family. Use the tips above to help her bond with her new teacher. For her to be able to let go of you, she needs to shift her attachment focus from you to the teacher. This will also help them to get ready for any primary school trips.
You should be able to get your kids ready for the first day of school with these tips. Do you have any more ideas that might help? Please tell us about them in the comments.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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