How To Make A Simple Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder

eco-friendly bird feeder

When it comes to being eco-friendly, the easier the better is my motto (that and small sustainable steps) plus if you can involve your children, that is also a bonus. Being able to show them how we can make our own items, help to reduce waste and also help nature is vital for the future and I love finding new ideas for us to do together. So, here is a simple eco-friendly bird feeder that even the smallest hands can help with.

What You Need

  • 1 orange
  • A bowl
  • A knife
  • A spoon
  • String
  • Kebab skewers
  • Scissors
  • Bird seed
the ingredients for the bird feeder. seed mix, string, an orange and kebab skewers on the table

The Method

Cut your orange in half and carefully scoop out the segments. You may need to gentle work at the white (pith) to get all of the stringy bits out but it doesn’t need to be perfect.

the orange cut in half
the orange scooped out and put in a bowl

Gently push your kebab skewers through diagonally so they make a cross shape inside the orange. Carefully cut the sharp end off each. These will be the perches for your birds to sit on when feeding.

my son's hands filling the oranges that are on a silver party platter

Now you can fill them to the top with your bird seed.

the oranges being filled with the seed

Next you will need to cut 4 lengths of string to the same size. Tie one around each of the skewers and then bring them together at the top and knot all four ends. This makes your hanger.

the bird feeders with the string attached to the kebab skewers

Now your eco-friendly bird feeders are ready to be hung from a tree.

All of this is zero waste because all of your simple eco-friendly bird feeder can be composted once the orange casing begins to show signs of degrading.

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One thought on “How To Make A Simple Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder

  1. Great article! I love how simple and sustainable this bird feeder idea is. It’s a fantastic way to repurpose materials while helping local birds. Encouraging eco-friendly practices like this makes a real difference. Can’t wait to try this project with my kids—thanks for sharing! 🌿🐦

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