When it comes to being eco-friendly, the easier the better is my motto (that and small sustainable steps) plus if you can involve your children, that is also a bonus. Being able to show them how we can make our own items, help to reduce waste and also help nature is vital for the future and I love finding new ideas for us to do together. So, here is a simple eco-friendly bird feeder that even the smallest hands can help with.
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Bringing Nature Indoors
*Collaborative Post
Is there anything more beautiful spending a summer afternoon out amongst the garden? With flowers and lush greenery surrounding you, there’s something magical about how rejuvenating spending time in nature can be. Research has found that when individuals spend as little as twenty minutes in nature, they can feel a boost to their vitality. Those who improve their sense of vitality simultaneously improve their immune system as well as their ability to fight off infectious diseases. Win-win!
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Unique Ways To Explore Wildlife With Kids
*Collaborative Post
The natural world is a truly amazing thing. Even as an adult, there are things in the world which will leave you feeling awestruck, and you can often find them very close to home. With the way that this part of the world makes you feel, though, it’s easy to see just how excited your little ones might get when they are exposed to the right things. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to get up close and personal with nature, without relying on zoos and other businesses to help along the way.
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