Bringing Nature Indoors

a selection of indoor plants
*Collaborative Post

Is there anything more beautiful spending a summer afternoon out amongst the garden? With flowers and lush greenery surrounding you, there’s something magical about how rejuvenating spending time in nature can be. Research has found that when individuals spend as little as twenty minutes in nature, they can feel a boost to their vitality. Those who improve their sense of vitality simultaneously improve their immune system as well as their ability to fight off infectious diseases. Win-win! 

What if you can’t always escape to nature though? With a full-time job, children to raise, and the rest of life getting in the way, it can feel impossible to spend as much time outdoors as you might like. If you can’t bring yourself into the great outdoors, why not think about it differently, and bring nature into your home? While you might not have the exact same effects from bringing nature inside, there are studies that show having indoor plants can actually improve your concentration by up to 15%, and help to balance moods as well. 

indoor plant

Below are some ideas on ways for bringing nature indoors 

Opt for a garden office

If you want the ultimate indoor nature experience, look no further than a garden office. Escaping to your office each day will feel like a reprieve rather than a chore when you are surrounded by nature, natural light. You may even find that you begin spending more time in your office, and won’t feel as drained when you do. 

Introduce houseplants in every room

Houseplants are notoriously fantastic at purifying the air. In an earlier blog, there were seven air-purifying plants mentioned that can help improve your home. Bringing nature inside via houseplants can greatly reduce stress and improve the quality of air in your home. If you’re not sure where to start, look for plants that require low-light. Even when plants are by a window, the amount of light that gets through windows is substantially less than if they were outdoors in the direct sunlight. Aim to have a houseplant in every room to bring nature inside.

indoor plants

If you have plants inside, it’s important to take care of them so that they can continue to do their job of purifying the air. One way to do this is by using indoor pest solutions that are safe for both people and pets.

If you’d rather take care of pests yourself, there are a few home remedies that can be effective. One common remedy is using soapy water to kill pests. Simply mix dish soap with water and spray it directly on the pests. Another remedy is using essential oils. Certain essential oils, such as lavender oil or peppermint oil, can be effective at repelling pests. Simply put a few drops on a cotton ball and place it near where you’ve seen the pests. You can also try making a pest-repelling spray by mixing water and essential oils in a spray bottle. By using these solutions, you’ll be taking care of your plants while also getting rid of any pests that may be bothering them.

Allow for more natural light

If you’re renovating any time soon, research some eco-friendly options for larger windows to allow more natural light in. A room with natural light feels more inviting and relaxing than one that only uses harsh overhead lighting. 

Use air plants for decor

Create a green wall. What is a green wall? It’s a wall covered entirely in plants! It’s actually easier than it sounds; by using air plants, you can easily convert a plain wall into a living area of your home using canvas or mesh. Because air plants are low maintenance and grow slowly, your wall will look beautiful for a long time before needing to replace the plants. If you’re not keen on using an entire wall, you can also opt for a part of a wall, or just a hanging air plant. For a quick look at how to implement an air plant wall in your home, check out this video: living wall art using air plants

With these tips on bringing nature indoors your home can be transformed into your own natural oasis so that you can experience nature at any point in the day, regardless of the season. 

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*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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