How to refresh and rejuvenate your home

paint to decorate the home
*Collaborative Post

Living day-to-day in the same living space makes it very easy to dismiss, overlook, and forget about any of the issues that may have arisen. We all too easily become mired in routine, and familiar surroundings are very much a part of that. However, with summer just around the corner, you may be about to start your spring clean, and that’s the perfect time to make some real changes. If you’re considering giving your home a summer makeover that will change the entire dynamic of your home, then you may be wondering where to start. If that’s the case, then this list will give you a starting point that will allow you to make the best changes to your home environment and make your living space refreshing and filled with positivity.

How To Refresh And Rejuvenate Your home

Paint and colour

It’s very easy to forget about colour once we’ve moved in. We get very used to the tired magnolia walls, and we don’t give much thought to just how much colour can affect our moods and energy levels. Research has repeatedly shown that the colour of our home environment has very significant effects on us, so if you’re looking for ways to give your home a boost, it may be time to get the paint brushes and rollers out. Look at each room as an individual space, and make decisions about the kind of atmosphere and dynamic that you’d like for that room. Do some research on the most popular colour schemes of 2018, and you may soon be wondering why you didn’t get the colour charts out long ago.

Let there be Lighting

Something that we often neglect to consider is how much light plays a part in our home environment. Not only can light alter the shape, space, and feel of a room, but it can also provide much in the way of mental health benefits as well. Don’t restrict yourself to dimmer switches. The trick with lighting is to get the help of professionals, and there are a huge number of resources available online that you can use to guide your luminous transformation. Don’t forget to consider your windows either, as natural light can be enormously beneficial, and often it might simply be a case of washing your windows to allow in the maximum sunlight.

In the garden

You’re going to want to use your garden in the summer. The problem is that gardens can often be a lot of work, so it becomes very easy to leave it and put off making any serious attempts at lawn care. If you have a new family, then you may not even have time to keep on top of things, which is why it can be a good idea to use professionals. Simply look for lawn care services near me and make use of experience to get your garden looking as good as it can be. Being proactive when it comes to making the most of your garden needn’t be a hassle as long as you have a good idea of how you want to use your outdoor space to its maximum potential.

Add mirrors

Not enough people use mirrors when it comes to the interior of their home, and you should definitely be addressing that if you count among their number. Mirrors are incredible when it comes to transforming your interiors, and some of the effects can be startling. Using mirrors in the right way can yield surprising results, with extra lighting possible and even the sense of creating more space. You can tailor your mirror styles depending on which rooms they’re in, with everything from gold frames in the bedroom to plain mirror tiles in the bathroom. What’s important is that you are using the space that you have and truly optimising it to the maximum potential.

Declutter your home

We all let our possessions build up, and it can often be very difficult to make the decision to have a good declutter. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to get to it, and if you’re thorough, you may be pleasantly surprised by the sensation of getting rid of something that you no longer need or want. Those ugly ornaments from Aunty Norma, that tatty old furniture that came with the house, old clothes, unread books that you’re never going to get round to, they can all go, and be replaced with something that more closely suits your sensibilities. You don’t need to live like a monk, but you also don’t need to hoard, and having less stuff makes it much, much easier to keep on top of the tidying-up.

With a little planning and a little creativity, you could soon be ready to embrace the warmer months with a brand new living space and a brand new boost to your mental energies.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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