How to Turn Your House into a Luxury Home

a fancy kitchen
*Collaborative Post

Have you ever seen one of those insanely gorgeous mansions on reality TV and thought to yourself, “I wish I could have one of those”? If the answer to that question is yes, we have some good news for you. The truth is that it isn’t the size of the house that makes it seem like a luxury home, but rather the design and decoration. Think about it – many large homes are rundown and look like the opposite of a luxury home. Luckily for you, we’re here to share some tips on how to turn your ordinary house into a luxury home, no matter the size! Keep reading to find out more.

Start with the structure

You’re going to want to get any big changes out of the way first. This is for two reasons. Firstly, any interior design you do before construction work will likely be dirty or demolished by the time these changes have been made.

Secondly, the touches of sophistication and decoration you add will be different depending on the layout and structure of your house, so it’s a good idea to start with the bare bones. That way, you essentially have a clean canvas to work with. If you want to change the way the house is laid out, or make changes to the flooring, this is where you should start. It’s also a good idea to get a reputable company, like Gerry’s Roofing, out to see if any improvements can be made to your roofing.

Upgrade and replace

Maybe you decided to skip making any huge changes. Or maybe you’ve made those changes and you’re ready to move on to the next step. Either way, there’s no denying that most houses can be improved in some aspect. Luckily, many of these improvements don’t require any major work to be done. A lot of them deal with taking what you have and either replacing it or making it better.

Start by looking at the bigger things: are your cupboards looking shabby? Maybe get new ones installed. You can also replace your normal bathtub with a clawfoot bathtub if you want the luxurious feeling to extend throughout your entire home, even your bathroom. You can then move onto smaller things, like replacing your normal lights with something that oozes slightly more class, such as dim lights or even chandeliers. You can click here for some inspiration on how to decorate with chandeliers.


Finally, once you’ve made all the necessary changes to the actual house, it’s time for the fun part: decorating! This is where you can really let your creativity loose and add your own personal touch to the house. There isn’t just one way to decorate a luxury home, so feel free to experiment. You can go for a minimalistic look, or a vintage look if that’s more your style. You can decorate with plants, art, pillows  –but fresh flowers such as tulips can brighten up your space, giving off an expensive vibe! The key to making a home’s decorations look like those that would be found in a luxury home is to make everything look cohesive.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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