Nine Tips To Have Glossy Curly Hair At Home!

curly hair
*Collaborative Post

Though glossy hair is the dream of every person with curls, most people think it’s a far-fetched dream. When asked why, they usually say they’ve always seen their hair appear curly and don’t know how to take care of curls properly.

A survey on people with curly hair shows that most respondents straightened their hair for years. When asked why, about 21.3% responded that they didn’t know any other solution.

If you want to make your curls shine and bounce, here’s the only guide you’ll need!

1. Nourish hair before every wash

Curly hair dries out pretty quickly, so you need to oil it. On the night before your hair wash day, massage nourishing hair oils like argan, coconut, jojoba, or olive oil into your hair.

You can also get a hot oil massage, letting the oil sink in and nourish your curls from deep within. To avoid dirtying your bed, wear a shower cap or a bonnet.

If you have acne issues or don’t like the idea of oil sitting in for long hours, apply hair oil in the morning and let it sit for 2 hours before washing.

2. Use the right hair products

Let’s be clear: different types of hair have different needs. For instance, almost all drugstore hair products contain silicone, sulfates, parabens, and mineral oil, which can ruin curls for good.

So, invest in high-quality curly hair shampoo. These products are made to eliminate all product buildup for taming curly hair and provide you with a squeaky clean scalp. Choose brands that focus on the needs of curly hair and not just all hair in general.

The same goes for choosing a conditioner, hair serum, mousse, curl cream, hair mask, hair gel, hair oil, and other products.

3. Detangle gently

After shampooing, generously apply conditioner to your hair and leave it for 3-5 minutes. After the conditioner has soaked in, slowly detangle your hair, either using a wide-toothed comb or your fingers.

Never brush your hair or use a fine comb on it. Doing so will damage your curls. You must wash and condition your hair all over to make it manageable.

4. Deep condition

In addition to normal hair conditioning after shampoo, apply a deep hair conditioner or hair mask at least once a week. This restores the lost moisture in your hair and repairs damaged strands from within.

Check the label and leave it for the advised time. After that, rinse well to avoid product buildup, and you’ll have soft, luscious, well-defined curls.

5. Always pat it dry

After washing your hair, always pat it dry. Don’t rub it to and fro, as the friction will cause frizz and even reduce the efficiency of all the products applied. Scrunch it with your hands or towel to get rid of excess water.

Investing in a microfiber towel to avoid teasing the freshly-sealed cuticle will be even better. Wear a soft old T-shirt if you can’t get your hands on one.

When you’re short on time, don’t blow dry your hair with hot air. Instead, apply heat protectant all over the hair and use the diffuser. Use normal-temperature or slightly hot-temperature air.

6. Choose an appropriate hairstyle

Don’t keep your hair open when you go outdoors on windy and chilly days. Otherwise, the dust, air (with high or low moisture content), and other natural elements can harm your hair. So, it’s best to put it in braids or a bun.

While it’s tempting to style your hair with heat, avoid it most of the time. Experimentation with heating tools damages curls. Rather, use curl creams, mousse, and gels to enhance your natural curls.

7. Invest in some silk

Cotton soaks in moisture and will also strip your hair of natural oils. So, switch to silk or satin pillowcases from cotton ones. Get a silk/satin scarf or bonnet if an entire pillowcase is too expensive.

You can also use a silk scarf as a hair accessory to protect it from the natural elements. If you use scrunchies, buy ones in silk or satin. This will prevent friction from using the hair tie for long hours.

8. Avoid touching your hair

Don’t touch your hair often like those in commercial advertisements – especially if you just styled your hair. Touching and tossing your hair damages the curl shape and pattern.

Your fingertips also strip your strand of moisture or add excess oils from your hand, making it greasy.

9. Take care of your diet

Processed and junk food can ruin your hair and scalp health for good. So, instead, have more wholesome, nutrient-rich food like the following:

  • Walnuts
  • Beans
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Salmon
  • Eggs

While choosing your diet, look out for elements that can improve your hair health and shine like these:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Zinc

If such foods aren’t available, speak to a doctor and opt for multivitamins.


Besides these tips, trim the ends every 8 weeks or so. Pamper your hair religiously, and you’ll be blessed with luscious, glossy locks!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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