Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons: The Ultimate Summer Eco Swap for This #PlasticFreeJuly

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Summer wouldn’t be complete without the addition of water. Whether that’s beach days, enjoying the paddling pool in the garden, or games with water pistols and water balloons – if you have kids all of these are great ways in which to cool off whilst having some fun! However, the latter is a problem. Disposable water balloons are made from plastic and have an extremely short usage span but a long life span. These will go on to cause litter issues, hazards to wildlife and, if left, they will leach microplastics into the ground. So how can you still have water balloon fun this summer without impacting on the environment? By opting for their new eco alternative – Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons! And as it is #PlasticFreeJuly this is the perfect time to tell you all about them and hopefully get more of you on your reusable journey.
Why Choose to Reuse?
Our Plastic Problem
It’s no secret that our overuse and constant reliance on plastic is devastatingly affecting our planet. Yes, some plastics are essential but many of them are not at all and these are the ones we need to tackle. Plastic Free July was born out of concern over the use of disposable plastics and with each year more awareness is raised in regards to reducing our plastic waste whilst showcasing the amazing eco alternatives that are available. Some swaps are reasonably easy – reusable water bottles, reusable coffee cups, tote bags etc. But some areas that seem to be trickier to conquer are the so-called “convenient” single-use plastics and of course the “fun” ones like disposable water balloons. Hey, I get it, I’m a Mum of 2 boys it is hard to say no and it is hard to seem like you aren’t allowing fun but at the end of the day, it is the next generation who will be cleaning up our mess…

A common sight in my area (and many others areas)- broken pieces of disposable water balloons littering the ground over the summer last year
Disposable Water Balloons
When it comes to the summer “fun” that disposable water balloons bring each year it actually looks like this:
- Balloons have been recognised as one of the most harmful pollutants threatening marine wildlife (CSIRO Study Australia)
- 1.6 billion plastic balloons are sold annually
- Which will take hundreds of years to breakdown
- When they do breakdown it is into smaller plastic pieces called microplastic
- Even the “biodegradable” versions take 10 years+ to breakdown
- These broken pieces are often mistaken for food by wildlife
- Virgin plastics are made of chemicals derived from fossil fuels
- Disposable water balloons also contain chemical-based dyes

So, as you can see unfortunately those tiny moments of joy have a long-lasting negative effect on our planet and wildlife. Not to mention your wallet because with this type of product, you will forever be replacing them.
Reusable Water Balloons
The Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons were specifically designed to help prevent the waste mentioned above whilst still providing hours of summer fun for you and your family. Made from food-grade silicone and completely chemical free these water balloons are:
- Mess-free
- Reusable and eco-friendly
- Will give you 1000+ uses
- Safe and hurt-free
- Fast and easy to refill
- Recyclable
- Cost-effective

Putting Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons to The Test
We reviewed the Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons just last year and having already tried out disposables in the past as well as the other eco option of crocheted reusable water balloons we can honestly say that Soppycid comes out top. Our list of positives include:
- They are quick to refill (both boys can do this in a bucket of water) making water fights happen repeatedly much to their delight!
- The magnetic seals work brilliantly
- They don’t hurt, I can vouch for that because I have got in on the action too!
- They have a great impact (just ensure you fully fill them)
- Easy to spot after use to collect up
- Easy to clean, dry and store
- No anticlimax because you never run out so you can play until your heart’s content!

This was how I finished off my blog review:
“We have loved testing and reviewing these reusable water balloons. Not only do they work brilliantly, they are easy to use, they do not hurt, they provide hours of fun and being reusable is just the icing on the cake. I really, really hope that more people catch onto products like these because disposable balloons have definitely had their day and we all need to make these simple swaps in order to have a positive impact on our environment“
So, you see, you don’t have to give up that summer water fun and you don’t have to compromise on the overall effect. This simple summer eco swap is completely doable this #PlasticFreeJuly and you can shop over on Amazon or on the shop on their website using my code EMMAREED15 which will give you 15% off all year round. Who’s in?!

*This is a paid ad with Soppycid but as always all views are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links which means I will earn a little bit of money when you buy via my links but this will not affect your shopping experience. For more information please refer to my disclosure page.
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I keep telling people about these after seeing this post!
Love these they look great!!