Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons Review

Soppycid reusable water balloons
*PR Product & Affiliate Links

As an eco-conscious parent, I constantly feel that pull between doing what is right for the environment and what my kids want. It’s really tough at times, you don’t want to end up being a “no” parent but you also don’t want to be creating unnecessary waste. One area I felt this was a number of years ago when I stopped buying disposable water balloons. After seeing the mess, needless plastic waste, how fast it was all over, not to mention the money I had wasted, I decided that these were not something we would be using ever again. I only had one child at the time and after a good discussion, he was mature enough to understand and agree. Fast forward a few years and I came across crocheted reusable water balloons which looked like a fantastic alternative to the disposable ones. We purchased a set and were over the moon with the results. Being an eco blogger I of course shared these with my audience and wrote about our experience of these reusable water balloons here on my blog. Now, even though we loved them, I could see that they weren’t quite for everybody and I get that. They are what I would call a very eco product. They are very different to disposable water balloons and I know that sometimes it’s harder to make a swap when it doesn’t feel like what you are used to (mindset is really key when it comes to making sustainable changes) but at the time I couldn’t provide anyone with another option… Until now!

Excited yet?!

There is a new movement in the reusable water balloon world and it is a positive one. Having realised that disposable ones have had their day, that far too much plastic waste exists in the world but that children (and adults) still deserve to have a little summer fun, Soppycid developed a self-sealing, recycled silicone reusable water balloon to fill that gap in the market and we have been testing them out…

About Soppycid

When founder and creator Leon realised that 1.6 billion single-use water balloons were being sold annually, he wanted to find a solution to this plastic waste problem. And after 3 years of testing, the Soppycid reusable water balloon was born – the first of its kind! Made from a soft biodegradable, latex-free silicone and magnet seals, these are a safe, fun and eco-friendly product that will provide years of use.

“Our vision is rubbish-free water fights for everyone and we want to replace the 1.6 billion single-use water balloons sold annually. As an eco-friendly product, using Soppycid water toys can reduce environmental impact and help save our planet. Just dunk, throw and repeat for endlessly fun water fights, with no rubbish to pick up!”


Other factors that prompted this change included the frustration of filling disposable water balloons, for example how easily they can burst during filling, how long it can take, the fact they can leak and that water is easily wasted. Another factor was cost. Yes disposable water balloons may seem cheap to buy once but add those sales up across the season, year after year and you’ll quickly realise that disposable products end up costing you more in the longterm. Reusables are better for both your pocket AND the planet. And lastly, disappointment. Children can find it very frustrating and disheartening once all those disposable water balloons have burst – that’s it, fun is over. With a reusable version, however, they can play until their heart’s content.

Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons Review

First Impressions

Our package arrived in a nice brown, cardboard envelope so that got an immediate eco thumbs up from me, however, I was then at first a little disappointed to discover that the main packaging was plastic. But, on closer inspection, I then realised that it was a resealable packet which means it can actually be used for storing and carrying the water balloons (remember not all plastics are bad).

Soppycid reusable water balloons in their packet being held by a child
the water balloons inside the packet

I didn’t really know what to expect from the water balloons themselves but I was really pleased to see that they were a good size plus they felt soft yet seemed robust. Oh and they also came with a handy drawstring bag.

Soppycis reusable water balloons laid out on a table with the black drawstring bag

Let The Water Fun Begin! – Trying The Water Balloons Out

The children were really excited to get started and so we dove straight in. We filled a bucket with water, opened the water balloons up and popped them in. We quickly found out that the best way to completely fill them was to fully immerse them and then to just let the balloon go. The force of the water and the magnets helps the reusable balloon to satisfyingly close and seal with no effort from yourself.

a child holding the reusable water balloon open to show the two sides
the water balloon being immersed in a bucket of water

And once filled they look like this…

the filled soppycid reusable water balloons

To give you an idea of their size, this is one of the Soppycid reusable water balloons in my 8 year old’s hand…

the Soppycid reusable water balloons in an 8 year old's hand

The magnets may be small but they are strong enough to hold the water balloons shut (as long as you don’t squeeze too hard!)

showing the water balloon magnets holding it closed

Then all that is left to do is throw!!

the boys throwing the Soppycid reusable water balloons
Jake about to throw an orange water balloon
William being hit with the water balloon and water droplets shown everywhere

I know one question that has cropped up on social media about these water balloons is how effective they are, well, let’s take a closer look at how much water they hold and how splashed William was…

closer look at the splash on William

Another question I’ve noticed a lot is do they hurt? I can confirm that we all got involved in this water fight and they didn’t hurt at all but my top tip is to ensure that they are fully filled as partially filled balloons don’t tend to always pop open (lack of force) and then you are just by a silicone ball. They need to hit you and burst to work and my kids proved they don’t cause pain by even taking a Soppycid reusable water balloon to the face!

Jake taking a water balloon to the face

My children are 4 and 8 and both could fill, hold and throw the Soppycid reusable water balloons easily.

Soppycid say:

✅Fills 6x Faster Than Regular Water Balloons
✅ Refills in 1 Second
✅ No Hurt On Impact
✅ Reusable & Eco-Friendly
✅ Mess-Free Water Balloons
✅ Fills Automatically When Immersed In Water

Once they’ve all been thrown you just collect the balloons up and start all over again. The perfect way to still enjoy water balloons without impacting on our environment.

Our core value is to create sustainable fun and more wonderful and unforgettable memories



To ensure that your Soppycid reusable water balloons last, you can clean them up with warm soapy water (if required) and allow them to fully air dry before safely storing away.


Soppycid offers a 6-Month manufacturer warranty following delivery for any failures or defects that occur through normal use.

I also asked the company if they offer a recycling service for the water balloons once they have reached the end of their life/if they break etc. and right now that isn’t possible but they have assured me that they are currently in discussions with environmental recycling organisations to ensure that they will be able to do so in the future. So, do keep an eye on their website or social media for any updates on this.

Overall Thoughts

We have loved testing and reviewing these reusable water balloons. Not only do they work brilliantly, they are easy to use, they do not hurt, they provide hours of fun and being reusable is just the icing on the cake. I really, really hope that more people catch onto products like these because disposable balloons have definitely had their day and we all need to make these simple swaps in order to have a positive impact on our environment.

If you like the look of these, Soppycid have given me a code for my readers to get 15% off any orders just use EMMAREED15 at the checkout over at Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons Website. Packs of the water balloons are sold in 4, 8, 12 or 16. They do ship worldwide (if you are worried about that environmental impact, our balloons came from a retailer in Manchester, UK).

I can’t wait to see all of your summer, water fight fun!

my signature

*I was sent the water balloons in exchange for an honest review. As always all opinions are our own. This review also contains affiliate links meaning I will earn a small commission from sales, this will not affect your shopping experience. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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14 thoughts on “Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons Review

  1. Oh my goodness I’ll be buying some this summer!! Do you think it would stay open with air trapped inside? I’ve often seen these really cute birthday shoots with balloons on the walls or scattered on the floor. I’d love to do one, but didn’t for environmental reasons. These would be so cute if I could stick them to the wall with paper tape maybe.

  2. We have these and used them so much over the summer. Really loved it because no mess, no effort in blowing them up and you can just keep using them without having to keep buying. Brilliant invention!

  3. Oh, these look brilliant! I think I am going to buy some for my nephew (/me!) for our holiday next year – they look like so much fun and I love that they are eco-friendly xx

  4. This is a very interesting concept. The main concern I would have is whether or not they would hurt when hit with them – much like paintballs. I suppose it’s one of those things you need to hold and experience to be able to comprehend how they work.

  5. Oh these are brilliant! We went camping last year and there was a family playing with regular water balloons. They attempted to tidy up, but there was still a fair bit of plastic left around the site. These sound fab though! And I’m so glad you mentioned their effectiveness as this is the first thing I thought about. Thanks for sharing. X

  6. I’ve never even seen these. Great idea. I don’t have kids but I am the “cool” Aunty so I’m gonna find the girls kids some of these. Probably won’t make me very popular with the Mums.

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