a two year old boy holding hands with a three year old girl at sunset

The Differences Between a Three-Year-Old and a Two-Year-Old

As a first-time parent, it can be easy to get swept along with the milestone charts, the opinions of others, the ‘I did it this way’ advice and listening to a never-ending cycle of those magical words ‘it gets easier’. What many people fail to mention is that the newborn bit is actually the easiest part (in my personal opinion) – so straight away you are being led into a false sense of security that things will become easier. The terrible two’s are one of the most talked about phases yet these are not actually the worst that your child will go through. Just when you think you have come through that stage there is a whole new phase waiting for you… One which you are never prepared for and one which out tantrums any 2-year-old meltdown any day. Yes, it is the threenager. Not only are these children more stroppy, but they are also much bigger and have a better understanding of everything around them and this is where the problems lie!

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