baby out in the woods sat down in hat and coat

How To Use Reusable Baby Wipes Out and About

Making any switch from something which you may have always deemed as convenient to something completely new may seem very daunting and confusing. Of course it does, we are all so used to our lifestyles being made “simple” by large companies and we are programmed to throw things away when they are dirty because it has been drummed into us that germs are bad. So, when we bring in a reusable product, something that can be washed and used over and over again, an item that is as simple as a flannel and water, we for some reason overthink it.

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Everything You Need To Know About Using Reusable Wipes

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I feel that I have covered so much on cloth/reusable nappies but I haven’t gone into much detail about our reusable wipes. I have touched on them in my other posts but having just been inundated with questions about them via my Instastories I realised there was much more I needed to cover. So here is my opinion (because I think you have to work out what works best for you) on everything you need to know about using reusable wipes.

Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know About Using Reusable Wipes”
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