cloth nappies in a basket

How Many Cloth Nappies Do I Need?

When you first start looking into using cloth nappies, it can feel a little overwhelming but one of the most common questions that comes up is how many will I need?

How Many Cloth Nappies?

There are a few factors that will alter this which I will go into in this post but a quick answer (because you are a busy parent googling for info) is around 20-25 if you are planning on using cloth nappies full time.

Continue reading “How Many Cloth Nappies Do I Need?”
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Popper or Velcro Cloth Nappies?
a mixture of popper and velcro cloth nappies on a white background

The popularity of cloth nappies is clearly growing and for me, this is a great sign! I love seeing more Read more

Using Cloth Nappies on Holiday
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How To Dry Cloth Nappies In The Winter
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reduce your household waste

23 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Household Waste

Reducing our household waste has been an ongoing process for the last 2 years and even though it all comes with research and learning curves we are finally making a huge dent in how many bin liners leave our home for landfill. Our best ever was one bin bag in one week and that’s a family of 4 with one child still in nappies, a dog and a cat!! Yes, it is doable and no it doesn’t have to be hard and I want to share exactly how everybody could make changes within their own lives and lifestyles to work towards a more environmentally friendly future for all of us. Here are 23 simple ways to reduce your household waste…

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Which Reusables Can Help You Through The Coronavirus?

*Contains Amazon Affiliate Links

Well, um, where do I start, eh? It all feels very surreal right now. I have literally just returned from a shop where people are grabbing the toilet rolls that have just come in and then frantically asking the staff when more is coming. I saw a man wearing a face mask and a woman wiping her hands over and over with a disposable wipe in her car after shopping. I must admit, I did feel quite calm knowing that I was buying washing powder so I could go home and wash my reusable nappies and wipes and that under my bed I have enough Who Give’s a Crap toilet roll to last me around 3 months or more! Being more eco-friendly seems to have its benefits during a crisis

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How To Use Reusable Baby Wipes Out and About

Making any switch from something which you may have always deemed as convenient to something completely new may seem very daunting and confusing. Of course it does, we are all so used to our lifestyles being made “simple” by large companies and we are programmed to throw things away when they are dirty because it has been drummed into us that germs are bad. So, when we bring in a reusable product, something that can be washed and used over and over again, an item that is as simple as a flannel and water, we for some reason overthink it.

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totsbots easyfit reusable nappies and wet bag and changing mat

Review | New Elements Easyfit Reusable Nappies by Totsbots

*Gifted Reusable Nappies

Reusable nappies have become a passion of mine (something you may have noticed!) Since making the swap in June last year I have gradually built up a stash big enough to wave goodbye to single-use nappies for good, I have talked about the ease of the switch and have tried my best to spread the word that reusable nappies are the way forward for our environment. However, the benefits of changing aren’t all about being eco-friendly. We have discovered that William is far more comfortable in reusables, that he never gets nappy rash and that we are saving ourselves a lot of money in long-run. If that isn’t enough to tempt you just yet, perhaps the designs will?! Have you SEEN today’s reusable nappies?

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Busting Those Cloth Nappy Myths

It is Real Nappy Week 2019 and this has been my very first one as a cloth nappy parent. I’ve been buzzing over the fact that I have been able to get involved this year and I have never, ever had so many messages on social media before! I can see that this year is the year for further change and it could well be a huge turning point for environmental issues. So many people are being vocal about their swaps, sharing their eco stories and raising awareness in order to try and secure a better future for this planet.

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a mixture of popper and velcro cloth nappies on a white background

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where do I start with Cloth nappies?

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