7 Fantastic Sustainable Bathroom Product Ideas


When it comes to making your home a little more sustainable, I always say to start small, look at what you think is possible for you to change and start in one room. The bathroom is probably one of the most popular rooms for you to begin with because this is the room that has an awful lot of plastic staring at you each time you enter and as there are plenty of plastic-free alternatives now available these should help you to choose which items you could swap out quite easily. Of course, as with all eco changes, not all will work for you and that’s ok. Making more sustainable choices for the planet has to be sustainable for you, there is no point in struggling on when it doesn’t work for you or you know you won’t be able to keep it up. We all have different lifestyles and needs and this journey is all about you, nobody else. To give you a good starting point, I have teamed up with SaveMoneyCutCarbon to bring you these 7 fantastic sustainable bathroom product ideas…

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