Reducing our household waste has been an ongoing process for the last 2 years and even though it all comes with research and learning curves we are finally making a huge dent in how many bin liners leave our home for landfill. Our best ever was one bin bag in one week and that’s a family of 4 with one child still in nappies, a dog and a cat!! Yes, it is doable and no it doesn’t have to be hard and I want to share exactly how everybody could make changes within their own lives and lifestyles to work towards a more environmentally friendly future for all of us. Here are 23 simple ways to reduce your household waste…
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5 Easy Ways You Can Become More Eco-Friendly
*Contains affiliate links
So, I have talked a lot recently on how we have tried to become more eco-friendly but I know that all my swaps may not be for everybody. For example, it can be tough to pay out upfront for a sufficient stash of reusable nappies, I get that I really do, so I wanted to give some ideas on how you can still make some positive changes around your home and for your family, eco changes that are easy and also cost-effective.
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Our Cloth Nappy Update And Why It Was A Great Change!
This post is well overdue but what with sleep deprivation, the baby still wanting to boob far too much and he is still sleeping in with us plus with the start of school for Jake, things have had to be put on hold for a while. Anyway, here is my cloth nappy update…
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