OLC clothing bamboo socks with one pair on my feet and the others laying around them

Review | OLC Clothing Bamboo Socks


Shopping more sustainably has been something that I have been actively trying to do for the last couple of years. I have found that secondhand shopping works really well for us as a family but there are times when you really do need to buy new (I, like many, will only buy new underwear and socks). In this case, I try my best to check out a company’s sustainability aims, their ethics and the materials their clothes are made from, however, I have found that it can be very tricky to tick every box, and it can be quite confusing when their statements aren’t as clear cut as you, the consumer requires. This is precisely why when a company like OLC Clothing, who are clearly passionate about what they do get into contact, I get really excited because it means that a change is happening and if it is a positive one for our planet then I am more than happy to support them.

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