Beat That! game on the table

Review | Beat That! The Bonkers Battle of Wacky Challenges

*Gifted Product

One of the great things about being a blogger is having the opportunity to discover brand new products, games, toys whilst also getting the chance to meet the people behind the scenes. So, when I attended a blogging conference the other weekend, I was very excited to see what had recently come to market and there was one stall that really stood out to me (mostly because they were incredibly fun, enthusiastic and had bloggers joining in from the off!) Zak and Kate are a young, married couple who came up with their very first game, Gutterhead, in 2017 which completely flew off the shelves. Since then they have put all of their bubbling enthusiasm into their business, Gutter Games, and into creating more games with their latest being ‘Beat That!’ – which was actually dreamed up on their honeymoon. It has only just come out this September and is the game which they were showcasing to us at Blogon and the one they kindly asked me to review for them.

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