First aid training for babies and children was something I had always wanted to do but with the arrival of Jake and the whirlwind of becoming a first time Mother it meant it became one of those things I just kept (naughtily) putting off. Then when William arrived 8 weeks early, it seemed to be the only thing I could think about. My perspective on child emergency care had vastly changed and when he was allowed to come home with us after 3 weeks in NICU, I was extremely nervous that something would happen and I wouldn’t know what to do. The hospital were amazing and provided us with basic CPR and choking knowledge before his discharge but I felt that I needed more in-depth training which would cover other possible accidents or medical situations, so when Alison from Mini First Aid Berkshire got in touch about attending one of her 2 hour classes, I jumped at the chance.
Continue reading “Mini First Aid Berkshire Review”Tag: kids health

Get Better at Protecting Your Child’s Health and Fitness By Reading This
*Collaborative Post
As a parent, you’ll know that nothing is more important than the general well being of your child. Part of that is your child’s health and fitness. There are many things you can do to positively impact their health and fitness going forward, and that’s what we’re going to look at and discuss right now. Each of the tips listed and discussed below will allow your child’s health to improve and help them grow up in the best physical condition possible, which has to be a good thing.
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