mini first aid Berkshire review

Mini First Aid Berkshire Review

First aid training for babies and children was something I had always wanted to do but with the arrival of Jake and the whirlwind of becoming a first time Mother it meant it became one of those things I just kept (naughtily) putting off. Then when William arrived 8 weeks early, it seemed to be the only thing I could think about. My perspective on child emergency care had vastly changed and when he was allowed to come home with us after 3 weeks in NICU, I was extremely nervous that something would happen and I wouldn’t know what to do. The hospital were amazing and provided us with basic CPR and choking knowledge before his discharge but I felt that I needed more in-depth training which would cover other possible accidents or medical situations, so when Alison from Mini First Aid Berkshire got in touch about attending one of her 2 hour classes, I jumped at the chance.

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