When it comes to living more sustainably, there isn’t just one clear cut way of achieving this. We all want to do our bit and no matter how big or small that is, each change is important. I will often use the phrase Small Sustainable Steps because I truly believe these are what matter, there is no way that every single person can attempt to make huge changes in their lives but each of us can take a small step. Another aspect of eco-living that I often hear is that it is difficult to do. Yes, I agree that not all eco swaps will suit every person but to me, if you select changes that you know you can make, that will last, that will work for you, then that is enough. One area which I think we could all begin to tackle is to switch our light bulbs. Sounds very simple, doesn’t it? If we all switched our old light bulbs over to LED bulbs we could take some big steps towards cutting our carbon whilst also saving money.
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