We are an outdoorsy family, always have been. We have always had a dog, we love long walks, we love going to the beach or the woods and being out in the garden. However, even though we enjoy all of this we most certainly aren’t kitted out in all the up to date must-haves outdoor gear, in fact, one of my favourite coats is 11 years old and from a well-known high street store and only cost me £20. For me, getting outdoors is vital but spending a fortune to do so isn’t so here are my 9 tips for getting outdoor gear on a budget.
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7 Simple Tips To Help You To Achieve Your 1000 Hours Outside Challenge
This year we decided to take part in the 1000 Hours Outside challenge. The idea behind this being that we get our kids away from those screens and show them that the great outdoors can be amazing fun as well as good for their physical and mental wellbeing. Being a Mum to 2 very active boys I didn’t think I would find it too hard but come February, I realised I had overestimated how much time we spend outside in the winter months. It is so easy to make excuses that it is too cold, too wet, we don’t have enough daylight time and I suddenly became very aware of how much we all relied on screentime to entertain us until the better weather came.
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