We are an outdoorsy family, always have been. We have always had a dog, we love long walks, we love going to the beach or the woods and being out in the garden. However, even though we enjoy all of this we most certainly aren’t kitted out in all the up to date must-haves outdoor gear, in fact, one of my favourite coats is 11 years old and from a well-known high street store and only cost me £20. For me, getting outdoors is vital but spending a fortune to do so isn’t so here are my 9 tips for getting outdoor gear on a budget.
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Holiday Entertaining Ideas around Your Wood-Fired Pizza Oven
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The presence of a wood-fired pizza oven has become synonymous with outdoor entertainment. Wood-fired pizza ovens have proven to be convenient for food preparation of all types, from appetizers and finger food to desserts. Having one presents the opportunity for you to establish outdoor entertainment that will have your guests appreciating the chance to enjoy more open space.
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6 Things to Teach Your Kids on a Hiking Trip
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With all of the technology and indoor entertainment our children have available to them, encouraging them to enjoy the great outdoors can be a challenge. A great way to get them connected to their natural surroundings is to get them into hiking. Taking your kids out on various hikes will teach them how to develop a lifelong relationship with the outdoors and nature. As their parent, you will need to teach them how to hike safely and you will need to make sure they are prepared for their adventure.
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Review | The Mozy- An Outdoors Wrap With A Difference
*Paid Collaboration
You may have realised by now that we are a very outdoorsy family. We love exploring new places, going on long walks and being close to nature. What you may not have realised about me is that I cannot stand being cold. In fact, once my body gets too cold I find it hard to warm up and that can often put a dampener on a day out. So, on those chillier days good clothing, a warm jacket and a blanket are often taken out with us especially if we are sitting somewhere for a picnic or on the beach. However, a blanket doesn’t really do a great job. With gaps around the underneath of you, the constant re-aligning of it due to the kids jumping on you and the lack of consistent warmth, sometimes it just doesn’t seem worth it and I thought I was just destined to forever be moaning that I am cold. But then Get The Mozy contacted me…The Mozy is a brand new thermal wrap which wraps all the way around your lower half of your body, that fixes in place with velcro, that allows movement without any restrictions and has a thermal engineered design which prevents convective heat loss. Needless to say, I was very excited to give it a try and with a UK holiday booked we had the perfect opportunity to put the wrap through its paces for our Mozy review.
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Why Outdoor Play is so Important to us
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Growing up, I would spend most of my time outdoors, whether that was at our local park, riding my bike, going on long walks with friends or climbing trees in the woods, I was at my happiest when both active and out of the house. It was inevitable that I would marry somebody with a similar outlook and having grown up in the countryside, my husband spent a lot of his time in the same way. Having children has meant that we’ve not only loved having the opportunity to go out and find new places to explore but also discovering new ways of entertaining our little ones in our own back garden with the use of messy play, with water play tables, a sandpit, mud kitchen and their very own garden in which they have been learning to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
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Feelin’ Fresh: Updating Your Outdoor Space, Even Though It’s Chilly
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You might be thinking that being outside and updating your garden in the winter is the last thing you want to be doing, however, each season brings plenty of reasons to get out and enjoy this space you have, no matter how many layers you need to wear to stay warm. The change in the leaves, scenery and wildlife can all bring the perfect opportunity for beautiful photos and provide you with an environment where you can clear your head with plenty of fresh air. It’s currently the festive season and with New Year’s Eve just around the corner, it’s a great excuse for a winter BBQ and to get your besties over for an evening of frolics. It’s time to stockpile the blankets, gloves, and scarves, and begin planning how you’re going to make more of your outdoor space and updating your garden, whatever the weather.
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Get Gardening To Help Your Kids Grasp A Healthy Lifestyle
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There is a lot in the media at the moment about the health and well-being of our children. Including what they are eating and some exercises that they are doing. But did you know that with just one activity, you can address both these issues? That activity is gardening. Your kids could thrive in so many ways by getting out and gardening with you and here are just a few reasons why it’ll lead to a healthy lifestyle…
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