Leaving your 9-5 daily grind once you have children can seem like the dream choice. You’ve probably spent years wishing you didn’t have to commute to work, thinking how lovely it would be to get all those jobs done around the house, staying on top of the chores and spending coffee breaks in a cafe whilst chatting with friends. Oh, how the imagination can run away with you! In reality, you can actually feel quite down as a stay at home Mum. It can be very lonely, much harder work than any job you’ve ever had, some days you will completely feel as though you are living in Groundhog day and at times, it can leave you feeling isolated.
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How Motherhood Has Changed Me
When I imagined myself being pregnant I had visions of being in tears at every soppy advert, eating the strangest of foods and finally softening up after years of being quite a tough cookie! None of this happened. I continued to be
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