The Main Reasons to Waterproof Your Bathroom

*Collaborative Post
If you feel that there might be an issue with your bathroom, then it is something that is worth looking into further because problems with the bathroom can go seriously wrong. Anybody who has ever had water leaking problems in the bathroom such as water dripping through the ceiling below know that their property could soon become a nightmare if it is left untreated.
While tiles, paint, and even wallpapers are a popular option for bathrooms these days, it’s not always a good idea to only apply one additional layer over the existing one since these surfaces aren’t always the best in damp conditions. Ensuring proper methods for preventing bathroom dampness is crucial to maintaining a healthy and durable bathroom environment.
Stop Leaking
Water will always follow the law of gravity and find the easiest, quickest route downwards. It can easily begin to seep through if your bathroom has any weak points or if cracks have been developed on the floors and walls. Gaps that might form in the sealant between the walls and the bathroom furniture can also lead to leaks. This problem can lead to damp ceilings and walls and even become a more serious issue if the water gets to light fixtures. You can use Just Wedi waterproof board as an effective solution against leaking and damp in the bathroom. Just Wedi building panel systems are designed to prevent leaks and keep your bathroom as waterproof as possible.
Another great benefit of waterproofing your bathroom is that along with preventing damp and leaks, it can also be a great way to insulate the space. This is especially true if you have a bathroom where some of the walls are external walls; you will know how cold these walls can become particularly during the winter. With the rising cost of utilities, underfloor heating or a good towel radiator in your bathroom can be a very expensive way to keep it warm. On the other hand, waterproof boards will help to insulate your bathroom and keep your energy bills down.
Prevent Mould
Problems with leaks, damp and mould can be very visible on the floor and walls but there might also be issues underneath that you don’t see. If you are in the process of renovating your bathroom then you might have found rotten plywood or mould on the plaster when you remove the tiles, which means that it must have come into a lot of contact with the water. Adding a waterproof barrier between the surfaces will prevent the damp problems from occurring again and help to reduce the risk of mould in the bathroom.
Different Options
By building a wall using waterproof boards for your bathroom, there are lots of options to consider. Along with different designs to choose from it is also easier to add modern bathroom furniture such as wall hung basins and toilets and you can even turn your bathroom into a wet room with a modern walk-in shower.
When it comes to preventing leaks, mould, mildew and other problems in your bathroom, waterproofing systems and boards are a great solution.
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