The Science of Balance for New Mothers: Understanding the Benefits of Combining Fitness and Leisure in Your Daily Routine

*Collaborative Post
Congratulations on becoming a new mother!
Motherhood is an incredible journey and an experience that as a new mother, you can attest to. As new mums, we know it’s going to be challenging. This is why it is important to balance the demands of caring for your newborn with your own physical and mental well-being.
That’s where the science of balance comes in.
For example, exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself after pregnancy. It is better to have a personal gym trainer who has the necessary experience to ensure your well-being as a new mother.
After giving birth, regular exercise can help you lose weight, boost your cardiovascular health, and restore your spiritual energy. So, whether you’re a new mum looking to regain your fitness or simply seeking ways to incorporate self-care into your busy schedule, read on to discover the science of balance for new mothers.
Why Should You Incorporate Exercise Into Your Routine?
Once you become a mom, your life goes through many changes, but the biggest one is the change in your routine. Your nights are the longest, and days seem even longer. However, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle to help reduce tension, encourage better sleep, and most importantly, reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
Incorporating physical activity into your daily schedule will enable you to set a good example for your child, both now and in the future. If you plan to exercise, you should have a private fitness coach who can help you build a proper regime and give you a sustainable diet plan.
While you are pregnant, you can still exercise moderately. Moderate exercise does not impact your baby’s growth or breast milk production.
According to research, pregnant women are advised not to perform high-intensity exercise that may cause lactic acid to build up in breast milk and sour its taste which your baby might not like.
Regardless of the type of exercise, drinking plenty of water is important if you’re breastfeeding. Remember to keep a water bottle with you during your workout and sip on it frequently.
New Mothers, When Should You Start Exercising?
You can resume exercising a few days after a normal delivery. In case of a c-section, it is best to wait for 6 to 8 weeks and a go-ahead from your GP before you start working out.
More importantly, you should get back to it when you feel ready. Consult your doctor about the best time to begin an exercise programme if you underwent a C-section, had a significant vaginal repair, or had a difficult birth.
After pregnancy, the Department of Health and Human Services advises most healthy women to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, preferably spaced out over the week.
Start small and easy, something like a daily walk. See if you can find a postpartum exercise class at a nearby gym or community centre, or you could find a personal gym trainer for expert guidance.
Benefits of Postpartum Exercises
If you are a new mom and you have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy and want to lose those pounds, the question of working out pops into your head, and you wonder whether it is beneficial.
The answer is an absolute and a resounding yes!
When you feel ready, engage in a small activity. Here are some reasons why we recommend postpartum exercise:
1. Fight Postpartum Depression
The postpartum blues can completely upend your’s life. Working out produces endorphins that enhance mental wellness. Studies have shown that exercise can help prevent remission and minimise postpartum depression symptoms.
2. Improve Sleep
Many lovely things come with having a new baby. Unfortunately, sufficient sleep isn’t usually one of them. The lack of sleep that comes with having a baby can be extremely difficult. Maintaining a postpartum workout routine will help you get the most out of your sleep because exercise improves sleep.
3. Self Care
Your baby’s requirements will definitely take up most of your time; however, it is essential to make time for yourself, too. If you enjoy movement, working out is a great way to schedule healthy “me time.” You are likely to meet new parents when you sign up for fitness programs, so this is also a fantastic chance to meet new people who can relate to you.
4. Muscle Strength Restoration
Postpartum core training might be right for you if you experience muscle wasting during pregnancy. You’ll feel more physically balanced once your abdominal muscles are stronger. This can be handy when you get used to having a lot on your plate as a parent!
Exercises to Perform Postpartum
Here are some exercises that you can perform with your doctor’s approval:
1. Pelvic Tilt
The pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum, can be toned with this exercise. To build up your abdominal muscles, practise the pelvic tilt several times daily. It is simple to perform this exercise – keep your knees bowed and lie on your back on the ground.
By contracting your abdominal muscles and gently raising your pelvis, you can flatten your back against the floor and hold it for 10 seconds.
Begin with 5 repetitions and slowly work your way up to 10 to 20 repetitions.
2. Kegel Workout
Regular kegel exercises can help lessen anal any urogenital incontinence. Exercise the muscles in your pelvic floor as if you were trying to halt urination midway. Hold for up to 10 seconds, then release.
After each contraction, rest for 10 seconds. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions or more every day.
3. Baby in a Joyful Yoga Pose
Another well-liked postpartum abdominal workout that can gently relax and stretch your muscles while strengthening them is the happy baby yoga pose. Lay on your back and bring your knees up to your chest to begin.
Start slowly spreading your legs out towards your hips. Hold your feet facing upwards while keeping your arms on your knees. For 90 seconds, maintain the position while focusing on relaxing your pelvic muscles.
4. Cat-Cow Exercises
The cat-cow movement works the core and supports your back muscles the best. Get on your hands and knees on the floor to begin. Maintain a flat, straight back while staring at the ground with your head. Ensure your knees are under your hips and your hands are under your shoulders. Take a long, deep breath in. Focus on your head and tailbone sliding towards one another as you exhale, and move your spine in a rounded motion upward.
For two seconds, maintain the cat position. To take a second breath, arch your back, elevating your tailbone and bringing your belly closer to the floor. Then for the next two seconds, maintain the cow position.
Repeat and alternate between the cat and cow positions for 60 seconds.
Spiritual Exercises for New Mothers
Sometimes, physical exercises can be tiring.
If you want to find peace and solace within and give physical activities a break, then connecting with your spiritual self is the way to go. You’ll need to eliminate the negative energy that surrounds you and make room for good vibes.
It can be as simple as lighting a scented candle and meditating or you can take it up a notch and get a professional to perform a house clearing.
You are bound to see a visible shift in the way you feel.
Here are some other tips that will help you begin with spiritual exercise!
1. Begin with Meditation
Before starting your exercise routine, take a few moments to meditate and focus on your intention for the workout. Set an intention for the energy you want to bring to your space and body.
2. Use Essential Oils
Incorporate essential oils that promote relaxation, such as lavender or frankincense, into your routine. You can diffuse these oils or apply them topically before your workout.
3. Play Music that Resonates with You
Choose music that helps you connect with your spiritual self. You can also choose music that helps you focus and stay energised and calm throughout.
4. Practice Yoga
Yoga is a great way to connect with your spirituality while also getting a workout out of it. Incorporate yoga poses focused on intention-setting, such as sun salutations or warrior poses.
5. Use Affirmations
Use affirmations or mantras that align with your spiritual practice. These affirmations help you stay focused and connected to your intention. As a new mother, you need these to keep you centred.
6. End with Gratitude
Take a few moments to express gratitude for your body and your space, your new role as a mother and your baby. Count your blessings. You can do this through a simple prayer or meditation.
The most important thing is to find a routine that works for you and helps you achieve your goals, whether they are physical or spiritual. By incorporating spiritual practices into your exercise routine, you can connect with your body and yourself more mindfully.
To Sum Up
For new mothers, working out can be a great way to improve physical and mental health and can also help with postpartum recovery. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional to determine what types of exercise are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.
Additionally, listening to your body, staying hydrated, and getting ample rest are important factors to ensure your well-being as a new mom. Promote positivity in your home and learn more about different practices and traditions associated with spiritual house cleansing to boost the flow of good energy.
It’s important to prioritise self-care and well-being and make choices that feel right for you and your family.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.