Tips For Caring For Your Loved One At Home

*Collaborative Post
Family is everything and almost everyone would do anything to ensure they’re kept safe and looked after no matter what condition their health is in. However, with old age and certain illnesses, your family members may not be able to function on their own and so will require a bit of help with basic tasks around the home.
In the UK alone, there are more than seven million carers who support others and this number is expected to continue to rise. It’s important that people who require care have it for free from loved ones with the current cost of living crisis meaning they may not be able to afford care from a professional.
If you have someone in your life that requires care but you’re unsure as to how you can look after them at home then this is the guide for you. Read on to find out some tips for caring for your loved ones at home.
What can you do to help them?
There are many things that humans need to function, so here are a few examples of what your role as a carer may look like.
Protecting from illnesses
Older people or those with life-threatening conditions may be susceptible to getting more ill because of their depleted immune systems and so, you must be cautious when you’re around them. This means washing your hands and wearing disposable gloves to prevent the spread of illnesses before coming into contact with them.
Food and nutrition
The food and nutrition that you give them will be key to their overall health and the recovery of your loved ones. Make sure you’re providing them with at least three healthy and balanced meals every day and ensure they drink enough water – especially during the summer months. Try to use whole and superfoods to boost their diet further too.
If your loved one needs caring for then there’s a high chance that they will be on medication, so you’ll need to know how to administer it properly. Ensure you know how they should take the medication and make sure they have it on time. If they forget then it may be detrimental to their health.
Medication may run out from time to time, so you should be prepared to have to pick it up from the shop or pharmacist as and when it’s needed.
Whilst your own hygiene and cleanliness are important, so as not to spread illness, you should also look after your loved one’s hygiene too. Make sure they brush their teeth twice a day and wash their body too. Hands should be washed before and after each meal too, so as not to introduce bacteria to the body through the mouth.
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