Tips For Safely Moving Art When You Have Children

*Collaborative Post
If you have children you’ll know that children can make moving from place-to-place hard. When it comes to moving, the process needs to be as safe as possible. You don’t want your artwork to be damaged.
However, adding children to the equation can make things a little tricky. Let’s take a look at how you can safely move art when you have little ones.
Put Your Artwork In the Right Sized Boxes
Always put your artwork in the right-sized boxes. Ideally, the boxes will be slightly bigger than your pieces. When they’re at least a few inches bigger it means you can wrap your artwork properly.
Ask for help from fine art shipping companies if you’re really stuck. They may be able to help you with packaging materials.
Explain Everything To Your Children
Explain to your children why you are moving your art. Tell them why you are protecting your artwork. When your children understand they may offer to help you keep your art safe.
Let Your Children Help You
Letting your children help you not only makes them feel useful it also:
- Helps them to feel trusted
- Helps them to learn new skills
- Lets your little ones feel more responsible for the artwork
- Helps them to feel included in things
You can potentially introduce your children to the art world by letting them see what you’re doing.
Mark The Box
As soon as you have put a piece of art in a box, seal it and write on the box. Make a note of what work is in the box. Mention the piece’s name, and where it is going to be placed.
If you’re moving to a new home write which room it’s going to go in. If you’re moving the piece to a gallery write the name of the gallery. You may also want to note down which part of the gallery it’s going to be stored in.
Placing Your Art In The Truck
When you’re placing your art in a truck or car, be sure to load it properly. Keep the artwork on its side.
Don’t lay the artwork flat as it can potentially absorb a lot of pressure.
Try to place the art somewhere in the truck that won’t cause it to move around.
Consider placing blankets around your artwork so it is further protected.
Place the box your artwork is in between heavy items. This can help to stop the box from moving around too much, if at all.
Let your little ones help you as much as they wish to. Involving your children can prove to be useful. They can learn more about what you’re doing and why.
You may have to take more time to transport art if you have children. However, when they’re old enough they may be able to help you even more than they already do.
Use the above tips to help you to move your art safely when you have children.
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