Tips on How to Cope With a New Baby
*Collaborative Post
It is not easy having a new baby. It is a huge life change, and you will have many feelings you may never have experienced. There is a lot of worry and stress that comes with a baby. A lot of people wonder if they are doing the right thing and have to cope with a lot of unsolicited advice. The mother-in-law relationship can sometimes be one of the hardest relationships to manage too, so there is that dynamic too. Luckily you are not alone. Almost all mothers will have gone through what you a feeling right now, and that means there is a lot of advice out there. So, let’s have a look at some tips on how to cope with a new baby.
Take Some Time for You
As a new mum, you are probably going to deal with a little guilt. You will feel guilty about leaving your baby. But the thing is, your baby needs you to be on your best form. To do this, you need to take some time out for yourself. A couple of hours here and there is not going to do your baby any harm. So, when your baby is sleeping and has the father with them, why not see a friend for a coffee, or go to the gym? Anything that you would have done before do. The more normal you are, the better you will feel.
Create Visiting Rules
There will be a lot of family and friends who you may not have seen in a long time who want to come and see the little baby. It is important that you organise a time and date that is good for you. Don’t let anyone else dictate these things. Also, ensure that people know that just dropping by is not something that you will be happy with. No one wants the mother-in-law over suddenly when they are extremely fatigued, covered in sick, suffering baby blues, and in pain from the birth, etc. So, ensure everyone knows when they can come over. Also, you can insist that people wash their hands too. With Covid-19 fresh in everyone’s mind, this couldn’t be better advice for avoiding stress once you have a tiny baby to look after.
Trust Your Instincts
A mother’s instincts are highly attuned. When it comes to your baby, you are the expert. You will know what’s best. Try not to worry about what others think. Everyone has an opinion, and some people are very opinionated and very unsympathetic to your feelings. The fact is you are the mother, and no one else can change that. If you feel it is right, then it is. Remember, there is no right or wrong way. As long as you are doing the things you believe are right, then you are. Also, if you think there is something wrong, then you may well be right. Never ignore your instincts.
Go with the Flow
Don’t worry about routines. Don’t worry about how your baby is getting along in comparison to everyone else’s. Your baby is a unique individual, and he or she will do things in their own time. Let them sleep when they want to; don’t worry that they wake up five or six times at night as long as your instinct tells you everything is fine. Feed on demand. Your baby is not a robot and will do things the way that feels natural.
Educate Yourself
Although you need to trust your own gut, there is no harm in becoming a little educated about babies. If you have never had a baby or had much involvement with babies, then it may help to find a source you trust or a person you trust and discover as much as possible. There are plenty of sites online which offer free advice to new and expectant mothers. You can read up on each month as they come, such as caring for your 7 month old baby, or you can read in bulk. You are going to have questions. It is perfectly natural. So, if you have someone you trust to help you get through then this will help relieve a lot of nerves and stress.
Try and Enjoy it
Yes, there are going to be a lot of worries, but the best advice is to not worry about something unless it happens. Your baby will only be a newborn for a very short period of time, and you need to sit back, relax, enjoy that special bond and be happy.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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