What I Need to Get Myself Summer Holiday Ready

sandals and hat on a beach on a summer holiday

*Collaborative Post

My holiday is coming up and we have decided that after experiencing a rainy Wales last year we need sun, so Crete here we come! I am so excited. Yes, we may find it a little harder now we have 2 boys and because William is still very small, but we deserve this break, I am craving the sun and Jake had such an amazing time in Zante 2 years ago, that I want to be able to give him that Greek experience all over again.

But before I go I have some things I need to do to get myself summer holiday ready!


I treated myself to my very first gel nails on my birthday last year and I am converted! My toenails looked amazing for so long and that is one thing I need for my summer holiday. With having 2 children I can’t see that I will have much time for touching up nail varnish whilst we are there so I am going to get myself booked in for both my nails and toenails to have the gel treatment. I’m thinking a bright peach for my feet and possibly a french manicure on my hands. What do you think?



Since having children I hate mascara. I am always so tired that I either want to rub my eyes or I blink far too hard and the result? Panda eyes! I used to become so paranoid about it that I just ended up not wearing any which just made me look even more tired. Then my friend suggested I try out her make-up service because she had started offering lash lifts and tints. I loved it! I have probably had it done three times now and the look is perfect for any tired Mum. I can wake up looking like I already have mascara on and the lift makes my eyes look amazing.

lashes finished


Hair Cut

I hate going away with scruffy hair and having postpartum hair makes it all that much worse! Highlighting isn’t necessary in my case this time around because the sun always lightens it anyway but I desperately need to have those split ends banished, the thicker areas (not that there’s many) thinned out and the shape given back. There is nothing worse than not being able to comb your hair after a day on the beach.



I need to go through my must-haves for the holiday and take everything travel size so it is easy to pack. I loved the Tropic Skincare items I reviewed so I’m thinking about treating myself to some new bits and looking at what is new. Their oil is perfect for my dry areas, the skin revive is a luxurious daily cream and the toner is really refreshing especially on those hot days.

tropic skincare items on a shelf



Shaving is such a pain, isn’t it? But I’ve never had a wax and I’m not sure if now is the best time to try? I would love to be able to be hassle-free whilst away, though so I am a bit torn. Either way, I need this body to be hair free after this long winter and, as my body is still a little wobbly from pregnancy, I need the finishing touches to make me feel better.


New Swim Wear

As I mentioned, my body isn’t exactly back to its pre-baby self. Even though I stayed really active during pregnancy, the complications meant I had to stop at 30 weeks and then life became a crazy whirlwind with William arriving at 32 weeks. I have managed a few one on one sessions but you know how it is, life, sickness, sleep deprivation, it all takes over and some things have to give… my waistline being one of them! I do want to wear a bikini because even though I am not completely happy with my figure I am still happy enough to don a two-piece on my holiday. I just need to find the right style which includes bottoms that aren’t too itsy-bitsy, a good top for breastfeeding and a good fit for these (slightly) bigger boobs!!



New Scent

When the summer comes I love to have a fresh summery perfume to match the season. I don’t often treat myself to scents but there is just something about being abroad and wanting to feel fab in the evenings, isn’t there? I don’t know about you but I love wearing maxi dresses, big jewellery and adding a touch of perfume when we go out for a meal in the evenings. It’s not something I get to do much of at home (never!!) so I always go all out when we are away.

collection of scents


If you want a good even tan exfoliation is a must. I like to prepare my skin before we leave so I am ready from day one. This will include using a body scrub, applying a good deep cleansing face mask and getting my feet scrubbed up and feeling lovely and smooth. I will then make the effort to moisturise every day so my skin is soft and silky. I don’t want to come back with patchy areas, I want to return with a sunkissed glow!


Is there anything else you do to get summer holiday ready? Let me know in the comments.

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*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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