An Alternative Baby Shower Gift Guide

baby shower gift guide

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Trying to buy a gift for a baby shower can be quite a tricky job. If you buy clothes, will everybody else do so too? If you do buy clothes what size do you go for? They all vary so much. Will the parents end up with everything in white? What if the new parents have already been on their shopping spree? Stop your worry and begin to think outside of the box.

What you need is a baby shower gift guide so that is exactly what I am bringing you. This list has been put together to give you some ideas for the best, alternative baby shower gifts and will also put Mum first in most cases–she is the one who is going to go through all the hard work after all!

Reflexology Voucher

The perfect way to help an expectant Mum unwind, relax and soothe those swollen feet. It can also be used to try and bring on labour when Mum has gone overdue.

Nursing Pillow

This is a fantastic tool and not only for nursing. It is also very useful for Mum and baby to rest on too! I would often fall asleep on mine.

Teething Necklace

These look fab on Mum and help baby through their chewing phase and help to ease teething pains. There are so many colours, designs and styles to choose from now as well. There are many available online.

william chewing on a teething necklace


Photo Shoot Voucher

Next on my baby shower gift guide is a photoshoot voucher. This is a lovely way to capture those first moments as a family. It can usually be quite a pricey activity, so any parent would be grateful for help towards one.

A Bag of Essentials

I love to put these together for the first time parent because I had to find out from experience what truly were the essential items. If I can help a new Mum out with a goody bag that will see her through the first few months I know I have done my bit! My favourite items to add are Calpol, Infacol, Teething toy, nappy rash cream, teething gel, Muslins, Cotton wool, eye gel/cream for Mum, dummy (just in case) and travel-size bits for baby and for Mum. Possibly also nipple cream!

Pamper Kit

Quite often we only think of the new baby when trying to buy a gift, but what about Mum?! Why not buy her a special something to add to the bath, help her to relax or something to use once the baby has arrived? You may be surprised how much she will appreciate it. I can highly recommend products from Tropic Skincare. You can review some of the products in this blog post.

Tropic Skincare products on a white shelf


This is a pretty pricey gift but I have heard many parents say that it was a lifesaver in those first months. This is a sleep pod which has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-dust mite properties. It can be placed down anywhere in the home and keep your baby safe and snug. It can be used for co-sleeping, as a travel cot, for tummy time and so much more.

Pedicure Voucher

Because let’s face it, it’s one of the places she cannot reach!!

Vouchers for Baby Classes

A voucher to use once the little one has arrived. There are so many classes to choose from, maybe pick one that you know the parents would really enjoy? Baby massage, baby sensory, music classes and swimming are all very popular choices. It will give Mum something to look forward to during her maternity leave.

Baby Hand and Footprint Sets

Inkless sets can be used from the moment the baby is born. A beautiful way to mark the birth and arrival of their new baby.

Fingerprint Jewellery Voucher 

Sorry, another voucher but when they can use them for such special keepsakes it really is worth it. I have a charm on a bracelet of Jake’s fingerprint and it is my favourite piece of jewellery. My own charm was beautifully made by Make an Impression, Yorkshire.

The New Mum’s Notebook 

Oh, I wish this book had been available when I first had my son. An honest and helpful view on Motherhood which will get you through every doubt, worry and anxiety you can suffer from when becoming a Mum. Amy from Surviving Motherhood lets you know you are not alone and that you are certainly not going insane, in a frank but funny way. It includes 32 articles, journal pages, affirmations, simple recipes and blank notes pages. It is divided into the first 12 months to cover all stages plus includes 12 months of milestone charts for both Mum and Baby. You can purchase this from her Facebook page or her website.

Open book written by surviving Motherhood a great idea for a baby shower gift

Milestone Cards

These are such a popular new trend and the best thing is that you can choose if you buy the serious ones for each milestone the baby hits OR if you choose the fun ones designed for the parents. There are many types available online.

Cup Holder for the Pram

This is an essential gift for that tired Mama who is in desperate need of her caffeine pick me up. What an ingenious idea!

Spa Day and Afternoon Tea

Whether you buy a voucher (sorry) or organise this for the baby shower or, perhaps, for after the baby arrives, I am sure Mum will really appreciate the relaxation time. If pregnant there will be a few things that Mum will have to steer clear from (sauna, steam room, jacuzzi) but the cakes will not be one of those!

towels and massage oil



A portable seat which supports your baby perfectly so it can sit up comfortably. Great for popping the little one into if you have some jobs to do around the house. Also comes with a tray for use when eating. I loved mine when I wanted to get a bit of gardening done.


Mum won’t be pregnant forever and even if she breastfeeds the wine will keep. Give her something to look forward to!

My Book!

Of course I couldn’t let that one slide past. Mum’s have so many books; pregnancy, weaning, newborn then onto toddlers, sleep tips, behaviour etc. But teething has been completely overlooked! A baby can teethe from the moment they are born. Mine started from 6 weeks old. No advice, no leaflets and no books to help. It is a natural process but a painful one… for all! Why not help a new parent and give them a unique but helpful gift? ‘Your Teething Baby, from one parent to another’ is available to buy on Amazon.

your teething baby front cover


Are there any baby shower gift ideas you would add?

my signature

*This post contains Amazon Affiliate Links. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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