3 Simple Ways To Save For Your Kid’s Future

little girl counting money
*Collaborative Post

Things are a lot harder for young people than they were for you when you were their age. They’re struggling to afford housing and high rents make it difficult to save any money. That means that when your kids are a bit older, they might need a helping hand. If you want them to have the same opportunities that you had, you should start saving a bit of money for their future. When you’re trying to deal with all of the expenses that come with raising a family, the idea of saving money might seem out of your reach, but it isn’t’. These are some of the best ways to save for your kid’s future.


Cut One Expense

A lot of the advice on saving money that you’ll find online will tell you that you should write a strict budget and cut out anything that isn’t absolutely necessary, but that’s not always the best way. Instead of cutting your budget to the bone, why not find one large expense that you can do without and cut that instead? Then you can put all of that money into a savings account for the kids. If you’ve got a second car that you don’t really need, that’s wasted money every month. Consider selling it and putting the cash into a savings account, then you can make a monthly contribution with the money you would have spent on fuel and insurance. Other things like expensive TV subscriptions that you don’t really need can be cut as well. By just cutting one expense and redirecting that money into a savings account instead, you can build up some money without having to make major changes to your lifestyle.


Invest Money

People often think that investing is for financial experts only but the truth is, anybody can do it. You’ll need to read up online and educate yourself on the stock market a little but there’s no reason why you can’t make money from investing. This is perfect if you’ve got a little bit saved up and you want to turn it into a whole lot more. One of the best areas to invest in is healthcare companies because people will always need it, so it’s fairly safe. Look at this vht quote to get an idea of how much of a return you’re likely to see on investing in a healthcare company. Before you start investing, it’s sensible to get some professional advice so you don’t end up making bad choices.


Save Change

This sounds like a pretty stupid idea because putting a bit of change in a jar isn’t going to build up enough money to help your kids out in the future, but you’d be surprised just how much you can make. When you’ve got a bit of change on you, it’s tempting to just spend it on something that you don’t really need, but you should put it into a jar instead. If you and your partner each put £1 each day into a savings jar, you’ll make £730 each year. Over the years, that’s going to start building interest as well so you can actually save up quite a bit from change you would have just wasted anyway.


It’s vital that you save for your kid’s future and it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.


*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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