4 Reasons to Choose Glasses Instead of Contact Lenses

glasses and camera
*Collaborative Post

Which is better: glasses or contact lenses? It is a debate that will likely wage on until technology or humans evolve to the point they become redundant.

Of course, there are advantages to both options. For those who favour contact lenses, they enjoy perks such as improved visibility and convenience for people with an active lifestyle. However, there are various reasons why people still opt for the traditional route of glasses.

If you are unsure about which is best for you, this article will make a case for spectacles. Here are four reasons to choose glasses instead of contact lenses:

Reason #1: Less adjusting is required

Along with taking time to get used to, contacts can also be disruptive to your entire routine. It can take a considerable amount of time to apply them each morning and for you to feel comfortable.

Prescription glasses, on the other hand, are a quick and easy fix to your eyesight. You wake up in the morning, grab your glasses, slip them on, and carry on with your day. It is a process that takes a matter of seconds and doesn’t disrupt your day in any way.

Reason #2: Greater freedom is provided

Okay, the case for ‘freedom’ can be made for both sides in this discussion. As mentioned previously, active people who like to participate in sports and other activities that involve significant movement are going to prefer contacts. They won’t move around or fall off like a normal pair of specs.

Yet you also have to consider the added baggage that comes along with contacts. This includes the planning of using the contacts, with the need for eye drops and lens solution. They also have to be removed and applied each day. With prescription glasses, however, all you essentially need is a lens cleaning cloth and a sturdy case.

Reason #3: A vast array of styles

Indeed, contacts are not lacking in terms of offering an assortment of options, giving you the chance to change your eye colour within, well, the blink of an eye. However, their nature means they cannot match the options provided by glasses.

With spectacles, there’s an endless selection of frames crafted by many different brands – including Ray-Ban, Michael Kors, and Tom Ford. With that said, it’s important to find a pair of glasses which fit your face. Queensway Optometric Centre has a comprehensive guide for matching the perfect frames to your face shape.

a lady wearing round glasses

Reason #4: The more affordable choice

Unless you’re the type of person that is prone to breaking your glasses regularly, and your eyesight doesn’t drastically change over time, it is the more affordable option compared to contacts.

With contacts, you not only have to purchase a regular supply of lenses, but also solution to ensure the cleanliness of the lenses. So while glasses may be more expensive initially – particularly if you go with designer frames – they will typically save you money in the long run.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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