6 Reasons To Clean Your Home The Eco-Friendly Way

Having a clean home is something we all like to have. Having a dirty, grimy and messy home not only puts a strain on our mental health but can have serious implications on our physical health too. However, are those cleaning products you are picking up in the supermarket aisles doing us any good? Filled with an array of ingredients, chemicals and toxins some may be actually be causing more harm. Did you know that there are other ways in which to achieve a perfectly clean home? A way that is safer and fresher plus easy to do… Here are 6 reasons to clean your home the eco-friendly way.
When looking at the products in the shops you will probably notice that most come with warnings, with symbols and advice to seek medical help if any come into contact with your skin, eyes or if it is ingested. We are always told to keep these away from children and animals too yet we will happily use them on our home. This just doesn’t seem to sit right, does it? Why would we want to clean with something that is full of toxic chemicals? Going green with your cleaning will ensure that all you ever use is safe for everybody in your home.
Health Reasons
These chemicals can often have adverse effects on those who already have health issues with asthma being one of the most common. The perfumes, chemicals, additional ingredients to get that “perfect shine” often take our breath away and this is because they aren’t designed to be inhaled. Other issues they can cause are skin irritations, burns, headaches, dizziness plus eczema. With natural cleaning products such as bicarbonate of soda, you will feel confident that you and your family will be safe and healthy during and after use.

If the commercial cleaning products can do all of this to humans and pets, imagine the effect they are having on our environment. For starters there is the production of these products inside the factories which will be producing pollution, then there is the production of plastic, the carbon footprint created in transport, the chemicals which enter the waterways, plastic waste and so on and on. Natural cleaning products will help to protect our environment and will not leave their mark. Simple, natural grease removers such as a lemon. A natural deodoriser such as bicarbonate of soda. A safe disinfectant such as white vinegar and let’s not forget the power of cleaning with just warm/hot water. Opting for these just makes so much more sense.
We all know that some particular cleaning products are starting to cost more and more money. With further ingredient “developments” and with extra “promises” these companies feel that they can justify a bigger price tag but is it really worth it? When you have eco-friendly products at affordable prices, that last longer, that do an amazing job either alone or together, I would have to say no. You can easily purchase around 3-4 natural ingredients which will tackle a variety of jobs around your home and at a far nicer price for your wallet.
There seems to be a cleaning product for every item inside your house right now. Kitchen, bathroom, wooden floor, laminate floor, furniture polish, disinfectant, oven cleaner, mould and mildew remover, window cleaner, shower cleaner, watermark cleaner, bleach, stubborn marks remover… The list is endless. But if you choose to clean naturally, you will literally only need to purchase several items which can be used all over your home meaning your cupboard will no longer be spilling over with plastic bottles of concoctions.

You Can Get Creative!
Making your own cleaning products may sound a little daunting at first but once you begin to look into some simple eco-cleaning recipes, you will start to discover how simple and also how fun it is trying these out. As long as you have white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, castile soap, cooled boiled water and essential oils, I promise you that your home will have products for every cleaning task.

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I usually just buy cleaning products because it’s easier, but I should start making my own because there’s no need to have 50 different products that are filled with chemicals & are bad for the environment.