6 Skincare Tips for Moms

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*Collaborative Post

Whether you work or stay at home, your job as a mom never ends. And no matter your kid’s age, you probably don’t have much free time, either. As such, personal care goes from being a necessity to a luxury.

However, if you aren’t taking care of your health, your body will let you know. Aging and dehydrated skin is a warning sign that something isn’t right.

Use these skincare tips for Moms to get back on track and carve some much-needed time out of your busy schedule to take care of yourself and your skin.

1.   Drink Lots of Water

Water intake is vital for every system in your body, including your skin. You can’t function properly without it, but even with all of the benefits of staying hydrated, moms tend to forget to drink throughout the day. If you’ve ever gone to bed at night only to realize your water bottle is still sitting on your end table from that morning, you aren’t alone!

A good technique for adding more water into your day is habit stacking, which improves habit formation by attaching a new habit to one you already have. To start small, drink a glass of water as soon as you sit down to eat breakfast.

Another option is to make your water more palatable. Some people just don’t love the taste of water. Try adding some water flavors or go more natural and infuse it with fruits, veggies, or herbs like the refreshing summer mixture of lemon, strawberry, and mint.

2.   Eat for Your Skin

When you have so little time and energy, especially in the early stages of motherhood, it’s easy to fall into the trap of quick but considerably less healthy meal choices. Raise your hand if you’ve broken down and ordered pizza just to get five minutes to sit down!

Prioritizing good nutrition is a lifestyle and will take time to get right, but starting small is better than not at all. Rather than focusing on what to remove from your diet, think of delicious and nutritious ingredients to add. You could integrate a smoothie into your everyday routine. Fill it with fruits, veggies, and healthy fat like nuts or chia seeds.

Fats have gotten a lot of bad publicity, but they’re essential for fueling your body and optimizing brain and heart function, among other things. Eating healthy fats and a balanced diet will plump your skin and help with anti-aging, something every mom is looking for. Skin health can also be aided by including some vitamins and supplements to your daily routine. Life Botanics skin tablets offer quality ingredients that can improve the health and vitality of your skin

3.   Start Simple

In the world of skincare, less is sometimes more. Certain ingredients sometimes interact in ways that can negate the whole process or make things worse. Unless you’ve done your research and know exactly what you’re putting on your face, keep your product line-up simple.

Choose a cleanser, vitamin C serum, and sunscreen for your morning routine. At night you’ll need the same face wash, an anti-aging serum or treatment, and a good moisturizer. Out of these products, the most essential are cleansers and sunscreens. Wash your face at least once a day to clear off built-up dirt and debris.

When choosing a facial cleanser, there are several factors to consider. Gel cleansers tend to be more gentle on the skin than other types of cleansers, making them a good choice for people with sensitive skin. However, they can sometimes dry, so be sure to choose one that is appropriate for your skin type. Soaps made from organic ingredients such as goat milk, aloe vera, and chamomile are also good choices for those looking for a natural and gentle facial cleanser. Goat milk soap, in particular, is known for its moisturizing properties and can be very helpful for people with dry skin, while aloe vera soap is known to have a skin soothing effect. Whatever type of cleanser you choose, be sure to read the label carefully to make sure it is right for your skin type.

Apply SPF daily even if you aren’t going outside or if it’s cloudy. The sun is wonderful but will age your skin if you aren’t careful, causing fine lines, wrinkles, and brown spots. No amount of special treatments will work better for anti-aging than preventive care with sunscreen.

Sticking with only a basic routine for the rest of your life would probably be just fine, but if you’re ready to step up your skincare game, add in some extra steps that will benefit your specific skin needs.

4.   Get Your Beauty Sleep

Ah – the most elusive thing in any parent’s life. Late-night feedings and nightmares will keep you and your kids up at night. Even with older children, there seems to be an endless supply of games, activities, and programs cutting into your bedtime.

Not getting enough sleep can impact your alertness, brain function, mood, and even your skin. At night your skin begins to heal itself by increasing cell turnover, and the process moves more rapidly and efficiently when in a deep sleep.

Creating a nighttime routine focused on self-care and relaxation can help your mind turn off from your busy day and the never-ending to-do list, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep. Turn your screens off one hour before bed and try relaxing with a bath or book – or both if you’re feeling fancy.

5.   Keep Moving

All your running around may be giving you a radiant glow. Movement improves blood circulation, helping to bring essential nutrients to your skin to create collagen and encourage cell regeneration.

If you enjoy a good sweat session and want to reap the skincare benefits, you just need to take a few extra precautions. Always remove your makeup before working out. Sweating will open your pores, and any makeup you’re wearing can clog them.

If possible, you should try to shower after each workout to remove excess sweat and dead skin to discourage breakouts. When you can’t wash off right away, at least change your clothes so you aren’t sitting in your own sweat.

6.   Treat Yourself

Repeat after me: self-care isn’t selfish. Getting time away from your family is good for all of you. While you’re it, give your skin some pampering. Professional facials can improve your skin in ways you just can’t on your own. Spas have tools and products that are too expensive for general use.

Choose a business that’ll take time to get to know you and your needs, because everyone’s skin is different and should be treated that way. Let your esthetician know about any skin sensitivities or problem areas you have so they can cater their products to you. Then, sit back and enjoy the facial massage, treatments and, above all, the quiet.

Don’t Forget Your Body

The skin on your hands, knees, neck, and elbows is the first to show signs of aging and dehydration. Many people only focus their treatments on their face skin and neglect the rest of their body. Give your body some extra TLC to improve its elasticity and appearance.

Keep a hand cream in your purse and by your bed to help you remember to apply it. If you still struggle, try habit stacking and attach using hand cream to another daily habit. You should also lotion the rest of your body with a good, un-scented product to prevent irritation and moisturize your skin.

Exfoliating your body regularly will remove dead skin cells and increase cell turnover, keeping your skin more youthful and radiant. Well-exfoliated skin is also more ready to absorb body products.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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