Best Ways To Sleep While Pregnant

lady sleep while pregnant
*Collaborative Post

If you are pregnant, you want to make sure that your unborn child is as safe as possible. That’s why you want to make sure you are sleeping in a proper position at night. This brief guide will show you exactly which position is best to sleep in (while avoiding some of the others).

Not only will you need to sleep in a proper way to keep your child safe, but also yourself as well. If you are having your first child and not sure what to do, this guide will come in handy. 

Let’s take a look now at the following:

The best sleeping positions

The best sleeping position that is the safest for you and your child is on your left side. The reason for this can be due to improved circulation. This will allow blood an easier path from the heart to the placenta (ensuring that your baby has the nutrition it needs).

Laying on the left side can also prevent your body weight from pressing down on your liver. Now, you might be asking if the right side is OK. It is, but the left side will prove itself worthy is the best option.

While you’re sleeping at night, you might be thinking about the what-ifs about your pregnancy. Like finding the best health insurance for pregnancy through iSelect or your next doctor’s appointment. Your brain could be racing with plenty of thoughts, but it shouldn’t stress you out.

You can think about those things when you’re awake and well-rested. Also, come up with a list of gifts for your upcoming child. Now that you know the best sleeping position, let’s talk about which positions you should not use.

Do not sleep in these positions

The two worst sleeping positions that you have to avoid are the following: your back and your stomach. This can cause breathing difficulties for you and your intestines may be pushed down if you are sleeping on your back.

On your stomach, it may press on your uterus and your breast. So it may be wise to not risk any injury to yourself or your child because of sleeping the wrong way.

Positioning tips to follow

Your goal is to get the best sleep possible. Don’t forget that your comfort is also as important. 

Consider the following tips for a better night’s sleep while pregnant:

  • If you experience shortness of breath: To prevent shortness of breath, place a pillow on your side so it can elevate your chest.
  • If you have heartburn: Prop your head up using blocks or books. This will ensure that the acid stays in your stomach and does not travel up your oesophagus, which can get damaged if enough acid settles there.
  • Extra back and belly support: You can use a pillow to place below your stomach and between the knees. You can get a special pillow designed for pregnant women. Otherwise, place a pillow under you so it prevents you from rolling on either your stomach or back.

Final Thoughts

If you are a pregnant woman having their first child, we hope this guide has been helpful for you. We want you to have a good night’s sleep without having to deal with any issues due to poor positioning. Comfort is key and so is protecting your child.

It won’t be long until your child is born and you can finally sleep in any position you wish. If you are a back or stomach sleeper, it may be tough to adjust. But rest assured, you will go back to your old sleeping ways after the pregnancy is over (assuming your baby lets you sleep).

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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