When Your Boy Really Turns into a Boy!

We’ve gradually made our way through the stages. The terrible two’s weren’t too bad and I would have to say this threenager stage has been much worse but now I have found myself wandering into new territory, a place where my child is testing and pushing boundaries more than he ever has done before. Yep, Jake is turning into a proper boy!
It’s been a change over the last 2 weeks and
I have been noting these in my head and trying to work out what is going on. He has been moodier, he has been cheekier and he has demanded everything! I have come to the conclusion that this is yet another stage and it is clearly him trying to determine who he is and developing his personality but my god when you are pregnant and tired and hormonal it is really not the best time for these behaviours to rear their ugly heads.
So what have we had?
I don’t like you
I can’t hear you
I don’t know what you’re saying to me
I don’t want this/that/to go there
I can do that alone, don’t help me… DON’T HELP ME!
I don’t need you to sing me a song at bedtime anymore… cue Mummy sobbing in the corner
No, no kisses just say goodnight
I have to repeat myself around 7 times before I get a response
Lots of talk of poo and wee and poo-parps which is when you parp when you poo don’t you know?! Gotta love pre-school!
He’s also come home from pre-school with flour in his hair one day and then glitter another, you know because it’s fun apparently!

Yep, he is a boy. He is copying other boys at pre-school, he is working out his place in life and he loves all things yucky, dirty and non-soppy. Where did my cute baby go?
The only consolation is that even when he hurts himself he still wants me first, when he wakes at night for something he calls my name and I know he will always have a sensitive soul and he will never be a boisterous boy who will cause trouble.
I guess this is what happens when they move onto 4 and prepare for school, so much has changed in a year. He looks completely different and can hold a full conversation, he knows what he likes and he certainly knows what he wants.

Hurry up new baby I need a little boy to cuddle and mollycoddle for a while!

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