say hello tummy time discovery toy review, 2 pictures of a baby on the toy

“Say Hello” Tummy Time Discovery Toy Review

*Gifted Product

Development for William may come at different stages due to his prematurity but one thing I am very positive about doing is providing plenty of sensory stimulation for him. As he has now been out for 19 weeks, his little mind wants to do so much more than his body can manage as he should only really be 11 weeks old. He has become frustrated with laying on the floor, he loves to have something to help him up and he adores watching toys, looking at bright colours and being interacted with. I remember how much my first son hated tummy time but to help us out, my cousin loaned us her tummy time cushion. It was such a useful baby product in aiding Jake in his movement so when Baby Sensory contacted us to review their “Say Hello” Tummy Time Discovery Toy I knew it would be a hit with William.

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