Creating The Garden Office Your Home Needs

office in a garden
*Collaborative Post

If you’re working from home, then you’re going to need to make sure that you have the right space to work in. Aside from enough room for the furniture and equipment you need, you want to ensure that it’s a decently isolated space, free from distraction, that allows you to get on with your work. It might be that your best option isn’t inside the home, but rather, outside of it. Here, we’re going to look at how you can create an external garden office that suits your needs.

Work out how much space you need

First of all, you should take the time to look at your garden and think about where an outbuilding would go. You might have to lose some features of the garden, whether it means reducing your lawn or flowerbed space, getting rid of a greenhouse, or reducing the amount of converted, social space that you have. Try to get an idea of how much room you are going to need for an office, and choose the most accessible and convenient location that won’t intrude too much on the rest of the garden, if possible.

Work out whether to build or convert

If you already have a garage, then you might be able to save yourself some work by converting it into an office. Not every garage is going to be easy to convert, however. Otherwise, you might want to look at services like There’s no denying that building from scratch is going to be more demanding, but it also gives you the opportunity to build a space that is entirely suited to the needs that you have for an external office.

Get the right furniture

Once you have your office built, it’s all about turning it into the kind of workplace that’s going to suit you well. To that end, you should look at the furniture available to you, and second-hand office furniture stores like can help you fill it up on a budget. Think about the kind of desk you need, including its storage and organizational capabilities, as well as investing in ergonomic office chairs that can help support your back and joints during those long working days. Your furniture can play a bigger role in the suitability of your workplace than you might think.

Keep it comfortable

When you’re converting or building a space, you have to ensure that it does everything that you need it to in order to make a comfortable space where human beings can happily work. Wiring it up with the help of an electrician might be a necessity, and you should ensure that you invest in a decent heating system. If you’re in an area that gets hot, you might want to look into air conditioning options, too. Getting too hot or too cold can really sap your productivity.

Not everyone is going to have the space or budget for an external office but, if you do, the tips above can help you ensure it suits its role perfectly.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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