How Can I Plan My New Kitchen?

a grey modern kitchen
*Collaborative Post

Changing your kitchen can be a great way to maximize on the space you have available to you, and make the units and design fit in more with the styles you love. Before you actually start ripping out your old units and buying new items, you may want to first consider drafting up a plan of what the new kitchen will look like, as well as setting yourself a budget for the job, to avoid putting yourself into any unnecessary debt.

Fitting Appliances

When buying new appliances for your kitchen, you may want to make sure they fit into gaps, without too much space on either side where dust can collect. Likewise, you might want to consider having items flush against countertops, to reduce the likelihood of injury from bumping heavy, protruding corners. 

Looking into the dimensions of a refrigerator to fit a certain space, making sure there is a socket close by to prevent wires from being exposed or in the way, can help you to narrow down your search. Measuring gaps, and considering the height of ceilings or alcoves, can give you the dimensions that you need to work with. From here, you can then look for items that are around that size, with a small amount of wiggle room to allow you to move them for any deep cleaning, or socket maintenance.

Choosing a Color Scheme

You may already have a color scheme in mind for your kitchen but, if not, you can look at the number of different paint or tile colors available to you to help you decide. Some people decide to solely paint their kitchen, whereas others prefer the convenience of tiles, in that they can be easier to remove splashes of food. Alternatively, you could opt to have paint on the majority of walls, and then use tiles around the sink or oven, to give your walls some level of protection from water and food stains. When deciding on colors, it can be good to use lighter shades, particularly for small rooms. This will give the illusion of greater size. You could then opt to have feature colors, or patterned tiles, to stop the walls from looking bland. Floor tiles or linoleum could also match this design.

Counter Decisions

The material you use for your countertops may depend on your budget. While expensive, quartz countertops can be great for limiting the spread and storage of bacteria, due to it being a non-porous material. Whichever material you use, you will want to make sure that the counters are cleaned regularly. You may be able to find designs that match your pre-determined color scheme, to give the kitchen a great put-together look.

Changing your kitchen yourself, without the aid of a handyman, can be a time-consuming and challenging feat. Yet, by keeping yourself informed about the procedures, as well as making sensible purchases, you might soon see your hard work turn into the kitchen of your dreams.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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