How to be Productive When You Are a Work at Home Mum

*Collaborative Post
There are many benefits to being a work at home mum, such as flexibility of working hours and no commuting. However, there are also many challenges, including harnessing productivity and managing your time. Fortunately, there are some essentials which can help to boost your business productively, and therefore, your income. Here is how to be productive when you are a work at home Mum…
Don’t be afraid to invest in help
Understanding all aspects of running a business can be daunting and time-consuming. For example, the details of accounting and invoicing can take time and effort that you may not have the energy for. You could invest in an accountant or online invoicing system to help manage your cash flow. Also, Office Stream services can streamline these tasks efficiently. Use resources available to create reliable invoice templates for your business – these can often be found online for free and are a great way to improve your credibility. You may also benefit from using Design Bundles templates for help with any graphics or logos or you could hire a Canva Virtual Assistant to cover all of the design work for you.
Ask for support with your childcare needs
If your children aren’t in school or nursery and are still at an age where they need to be constantly supervised, you’ll need support with childcare in order to be as productive as you can be as work at home Mum. Whether this comes from family, friends or you invest in daycare or a nanny, this support will mean you can have the mental ability to focus on your work.
Invest in noise-cancelling headphones
If your kids are at home, even if you’re not looking after them, it’s likely you’ll still be able to hear them. This alone can be incredibly distracting and prevent you from concentrating on your work. Noise-cancelling headphones can help block out any unwanted distractions and turn your work environment into a peaceful one. Play music or even white noise that will stimulate your brain and help you to concentrate.
Have your own working environment
Make a space or designate a room in your house that’s your dedicated work area, this will help you ‘get in the zone’ and concentrate. Make sure the space is quiet and you can work from there undisturbed. If you are lucky enough to have your own office area, make it a space that you love – decorate the walls with inspirational images to make it a personal and motivational space for you to thrive in. Treat yourself to a comfortable chair and a practical desk to make your working days as comfortable as possible. This is all key in being productive when you work from home.

Create a structure to your day
Have set working hours to maximise your productivity, avoid trying to just fit work in around household chores or childcare. Although there are benefits to a flexible working day, it’s important to understand when you are personally most productive, whether that be first thing in the morning or late at night. Use this knowledge to your advantage and schedule working hours to suit you. Having set working hours each day will help you to form a routine and be focused on your work. It will also help others at home understand when mum is working (and not to be disturbed).
Give yourself a break
Make sure that you don’t switch between work life and home life without some downtime each day. Whether that’s morning meditation and yoga, a lunchtime run, or an evening read before bed, make time to look after yourself – it’s hard work being a super mum! By giving yourself time each day for yourself, you’ll naturally improve your mood, health, happiness and productivity.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
Some great ideas I am queen of procrastination lately! I also find writing a list helps because otherwise I get distracted with other jobs that I dont really need to be doing!