How To Make A Diary of a Wimpy Kid World Book Day Costume

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid has become a favourite book series in our household so when World Book Day came around my eldest just knew this was what he wanted to go as. But how do you bring a drawing to life? Here’s how we made our Diary of a Wimpy Kid World Book Day Costume…
What You Will Need:
- A white top
- White trousers or leggings
- Black shorts
- White card
- Elastic
- Fabric tape
- A black marker pen
- Scissors
- Netting or sheer black tights

Making The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Costume
We already owned the white top and black shorts and I managed to source the white leggings from Vinted for around £2. You could also take a look in charity shops, on eBay, Facebook marketplace or ask friends and family to lend you the items you need. You should be able to find tape on Amazon here along with elastic or in Hobbycraft along with the white card (we bought 2 large pieces in case of mistakes!)
Start by getting your child to wear the top, leggings and shorts. Allow the materials to fall into place and then carefully plan out where your black tape will need to be placed. We began with the legs, using the sides of his knee caps as a guide.

The arms are a little trickier as you have to create the illusion of a T-shirt with an arm coming through it. Thankfully the tape is quite easy to remove and replace when you go a little wrong.

Once you have the shape you need for the arms and sleeves you will need to run the tape down the side of the body on each side and finish it off with a neckline.

Making the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Mask and Hands
If you have an artistic flair you may find drawing the face out really easy but I definitely had to practise this a few times on a notepad before I attempted it on the card. Once I was ready to give it a whirl for real, I started off by holding the card up to my child’s face to get a good idea of the size and proportion I would need. I then went in and created the wimpy kid face with the marker pen.

The next stage is to black out the mouth using netting or sheer tights. Simply cut to size and tape this on at the back. Then cut the elastic to the size of your child’s head and secure with tape as well.

To make the hands you need to draw some cartoony fingers and hands onto white card – this was far harder than I had anticipated, I was very glad of the extra card I’d bought!

Once you are happy with your shape and size, you can cut your elastic to size and tape into place.

The Finished Look
Now all you need to do is add a pair of black shoes/trainers, grab your book and you’re all ready for your World Book Day…

This was such a fun costume to create together plus it cost very little and could easily be reused another year or for my younger child.
If you liked this you may also like my Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs costume, my Highway Rat Costume or my Mr Tickle Costume.

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