Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning With A Smile On Your Face

*Collaborative Post
If you’re the kind of person who has to snooze their alarm 10 times every morning before finally begrudgingly making it out of bed, you’re not alone. Getting out of bed to do things we don’t enjoy can be a huge chore. But what about if we’re getting out of bed to do things that we do enjoy? You’d probably jump out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face, eager to start your day! Here’s how you can start doing that sooner rather than later:
Create An Amazing Morning Routine You Just Love To Do
First of all, think about the things you love to do most, and then create a morning routine revolving around those things. Now, it definitely shouldn’t be eating a slab of cake in front of the TV, because let’s face it, that’s not going to get you raring to go for anything. Your morning routine should invigorate you and prepare you for the day, before you even think about rushing around to get ready. Here are some examples of things you can try:
Meditation is a brilliant way to start the day, as you can clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and even begin to think about you want the day to go – called ‘visualisation’. Many people find that by using this technique they have better days overall, and things seem to magically go their way. You only need to meditate for 5 minutes if you want to feel better and more relaxed. You’ll feel like you’ve got total control over your day!
Yoga is a great way to relax the mind, invigorate the body, and prepare you for all to come. Some yoga poses are great for opening up the body, helping you to breathe easily, and getting rid of any aches and pains. You can start doing yoga at home with one of the high-quality cork yoga mats available and an app. Once you’re used to it, you can begin to get into your own yoga flow.
A Run
Running is great for getting the blood pumping and releasing those endorphins before you begin the day. Any kind of workout is a wonderful way to make you feel happier and give you a more positive outlook.
Take the time to read a chapter of the book you’re on, or better still, pick up a self-improvement book and read a chapter before you start the day. This is a great way to get to work on yourself and should get you in a great mindset before the day even starts.
Taking The Time For A Hot Drink
Why not just take time to enjoy a hot drink while you sit and contemplate what you’d like to achieve for the day ahead? Don’t scroll Facebook or watch TV, just stay in the moment and enjoy every sip.
You can incorporate as many of these suggestions into your morning routine as you like. Create one that you love and you could change your life and you will always jump out of bed with a smile on your face!
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
Blog your blog. I made myself a morning routine recently and it did magic on me. I do most of the self-care activities first in the morning and trust me it is so satisfying. I am going to smile as soon as I wake up Now. Thanks buddy!